Future Student Maintenance - NZQA tab

New Zealand organisations use the NZQA tab to maintain information required by NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority).
Some fields displayed on this tab are maintained on other tabs.


 Opening the NZQA tab

To open the NZQA tab:

  1. Select Module > Future Students > Future Student Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Future Student Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the future student functions by clicking .
  2. Search for the future student. See Searching for future students.
  3. Click the NZQA tab.
    The NZQA tab of the Future Student Maintenance window is displayed.

Future Student Maintenance - NZQA tab key fields




Student's name, comprised of the Given names and Surname. These can be updated on the Name tab of Community Maintenance. See Community Maintenance - Name tab in the Community manual.

Date of Birth

Student's date of birth.

Ethnic Group 1 /
Ethnic Group 2 /
Ethnic Group 3

Ethnic group or groups that a student identifies with. The fields allow a student or parent to nominate up to three ethnic groups. The NZ MOE encourages schools to allow students to self-identify or be identified by their parents as belonging to more than one ethnic group.

There should be no duplicate codes in Ethnic Group 1, 2 or 3.
For details, see Ethnic group in the Roll returns manual.

Override Address

Select to allow the entry of an address to be used for the export only.

For example, you may need to override the address if the student's examination results need to be sent overseas.


Student's address to which the results of the University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships examination are sent.
Rural delivery addresses must include the box holder's name.

Addresses should also include a town, city or district not just a suburb or a small locality. Please do not include New Zealand in the address.

Students are encouraged to inform the Qualifications Authority in writing of any change of address. They should continue to do this until April in the following year, as the certificates are released at this time.
The address details can either be:

Student Type

Type of student for funding purposes. The NZ MOE uses this information to prepare staff resourcing plans.

Students can only be allocated to one code, even though they may belong to more than one group. To allocate a student type, start at the top of the list and work down. Use the first code that applies to this student.

For details, see Student type in the in the Roll returns manual.


Select to indicate that the student has withdrawn from the New Zealand National Secondary Schools Qualifications.
Candidate withdrawals from a qualification, or from individual subjects, must be made by the Qualifications Authority's cut-off date. After the cut-off date, any subjects on a student's record appear on their results. This applies to:

  • NCEA Level 1
  • Sixth Form Certificate
  • University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships.

The principal's nominee should be aware of the provisions in the regulations that apply to the withdrawal of Bursary candidates who are not going to complete course prescription requirements. Any such withdrawals must be made by the cut-off date.

Tertiary Release

Select to allow the student's results to be released by the Qualifications Authority.

In January of each year, the Qualifications Authority provides all New Zealand Universities and some other tertiary institutions with full sets of candidates' results from the University Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships examination.

Where requested Sixth Form Certificate results are also released. This enables the tertiary institutions to process pre-enrolments.
Where this field is cleared, an application to a University or Polytechnic may encounter processing delays.

Financial Assistance Type

Type of assistance with the payment of entry fees for the New Zealand National Secondary Schools Qualifications.
The field values are set in the luStudentFinanceAssistType lookup table. See luStudentFinanceAssistType lookup table in the System maintenance manual.
The initial field values are:

  • Not selected. No financial assistance has been granted.
  • Benefit. This applies if the:
    • fee payer is receiving a Work and Income or Study Link benefit
    • joint family income would entitle the fee payer to receive a Community Services Card.
  • Family. This applies if there is more than one child undertaking these qualifications in the same year, irrespective of income.
    Financial assistance is not available for foreign students paying fees.

Benefit Number

Benefit number that is used on the Application For Financial Assistance for the New Zealand National Secondary Schools Qualifications.
For example, either a:

  • Work and Income benefit
  • Study Link benefit.

    Where financial assistance has been requested without a benefit number, the applications are processed as hardship applications.

Payment Amount

Amount payable for entry fees for the New Zealand National Secondary Schools Qualifications, for the selected student.
For example, in 2007 the following amounts were applicable:

Students are charged the full amount if:

  • An application has been declined.
  • An application was not received.
  • The benefit number was not originally supplied as required. Once the benefit number is supplied the fee can be reduced by NZQA.

Number of Siblings

Number of siblings that are sitting National Secondary Schools Qualifications in the same year as the selected student.
This affects the amount payable to the family. See Payment Amount above.

Application ID

Identification number of the application.

Results area fields



NCEA Levels

NCEA is part of the New Zealand National Qualifications Framework. See the National Certificates of Educational Achievement (http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/qualifications/ncea/) web site.

There are three levels of NCEA certificate, depending on the standard achieved by the student.

Level 1 Literacy Met

Indicates whether the student has met the literacy standard for NCEA level 1.

Level 1 Numeracy Met

Indicates whether the student has met the numeracy standard for NCEA level 1.

UE Literacy Met

Indicates whether the student has met the literacy standard for University.

UE Numeracy Met

Indicates whether the student has met the numeracy standard for University.