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NZQA supplied the Word document: 2025-03-12 Standard Changes.docx which I have included in the Standards Zip file for you to download.
Also from NZQA:
Kia ora koutou,
Please find attached the latest monthly standards file and as promised, a list of changes to standards from 2024 to 2025.
You will note that there are quite a few changes in this iteration of the standards file.
Therefore, you will need to ensure your schools/applications have the most up-to-date standards file loaded so that entries from 1 April are accurate with respect to, for example, the number of events offered, whether a standard is an examination or a submission, digital or paper, etc.
Thank you for your patience while we prepared this update.
The December instances of the monthly standards files are attached, and include changes made to standards for 2025. New versions of the standards were published by NZQA on 10 December. There may be a small number of additional changes in subsequent files between January and March.
Remember that you must upgrade to the latest version of Synergetic by the end of 2024 as NZQA will cease providing the pre 71.21 version of the Standards file this year (2024).
Remember that you must upgrade to the latest version of Synergetic by the end of 2024 as NZQA will cease providing the pre 71.21 version of the Standards file this year (2024).
Remember that you must upgrade to the latest version of Synergetic by the end of 2024 as NZQA will cease providing the pre 71.21 version of the Standards file this year (2024).
Standards where "Translated Paper Available" has changed from Y to N
Translations for New Zealand Curriculum Level 1 submitted assessment tasks will not be available in 2024. NZQA is committed to reviewing this for 2024. Translations for end-of-year examinations will be available on request as with previous year.
The following standards have been updated to reflect this decision:
Standards where "Translated Paper Available" has changed from Y to N
NCEA L1 Agricultural and Horticultural Science (SU)
June file re-issued to fix Standards: 91320, 91321, 91322, 91323, 91455, 91456, 91457, 91458.
See email from NZQA:
NZQA email 19 June 2024
From: Team Mailbox Psychometrics, Reporting and Statistics Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 1:29 PM To: - Subject: Monthly Standards Files - 19 June 2024
Kia ora koutou,
Apologies for an out of cycle monthly standards file, however we have identified an issue with the standards below and this update is to correct their information to their opportunity being available for DS and PS
The feedback on the proposed “exclusions” column was that it was a good idea, but you wanted to know which standards they were. I’ve conducted my analysis to determine if this information can be provided, to ensure it didn’t blow out the files phenomenally and good news, it didn’t. The column is “| delimited and includes every standard that the given standard could be excluded with.
Updated SMS Specification Document (4.3) included, with updated highlighting for ease of navigation.
No New and Removed Standards file, it would be the same as the other one.
In other news, I am aware of unanticipated changes re Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy, and UE Numeracy requirements in the results file (specifically historical meeting of requirements).
We are looking into this situation and what is possible to aid accurate reporting of this information, and we will update you as we progress.
In this update, I’d like to discuss the regular update, proposed changes to the standards file, a largely widespread concern schools have been raising with us, and finally detail all changes to externally assessed standards as part of this regular update.
Monthly Standards File Update
Please find attached the updated Monthly Standards file for April 2024.
Changes to externally assessed standards are detailed at the end of this email.
Proposed Change to Standards File
L1 Literacy Column
We are proposing expanding this column to 5 characters, as opposed to the current 1 character.
This is to allow the various different methods, and lists of standards, to be more clearly identified.
Proposed values:
T = Transition List (both NZC and Te Reo Matatini)
T NZC = Literacy Transition List Only
T TRM = Te Reo Matatini Transition List Only
T R = Transition List (Restricted Usage)
C NZC = NZC Corequisite
C TRM = Te Reo Matatini Corequsite
N = Not Applicable
New Field “Exclusion Pair Exists”
One character field “Y/N”
Indicates if this standard has an exclusion with at least one other standard.
This allows any reporting that you provide schools to have a cautionary note applied to it, if you so wish, as the credits from this standard may be excluded by another.
It is not a perfect solution but does allow some certainty/uncertainty to be communicated to your users.
I have attached the draft document to this email, we can provide these updates as soon as you’re able to receive them.
We are happy to provide two copies of the standards file moving forward, one with and one without these changes so you can transition at your leisure, until we retire the old version at the start of 2025.
Invalid Assessment Method
Some of you may have received queries from your schools regarding this warning.
This message appears, because we have not received an (or received the wrong) assessment method for the externally assessed entry.
The difference between the error and the warning version of this message is whether there is one or more assessment methods available for the opportunity.
When there is only one, we raise a warning, as the system can safely create the entry with the only available assessment method.
When there is more than one, we raise an error, as we cannot assume what the school was intending.
Please ensure your system is providing assessment methods for all externally assessed entries. While the warning does not prevent entries being created, it is causing undue alarm for the schools.
From: Team Mailbox Psychometrics, Reporting and Statistics Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 10:16 AM Subject: Notification - Iwi Code Update
Kia ora koutou,
This is a notification that our system has been updated to reflect the updated Iwi Code Classifications from Statistics New Zealand, as of 1 January 2023.
Any schools or kura impacted (if you were aware of any) should be advised and asked to try again.
Please let us know if any further issues are encountered.
Ngā mihi,
NZQA Standards File Notes
From: Team Mailbox Psychometrics, Reporting and Statistics Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 9:14 AM Subject: Monthly Standards File
Kia ora all,
Attached is the Monthly Standards File for April
Please note that it includes TMoA and NZC Pilot Standards.
Please find attached an updated Monthly Standards File. This includes the change described in more detail below, as well as the inclusion of the Te Ao Haka standards for this year.
We have received feedback from some SMS Vendors and Schools regarding our policy in recent years to clear the data from the following columns in January and February each year:
Assessment Request Indicator (NO, DE, DS)
Assessment Session Code (e.g. L1-CHEM)
Digital Practice Exam Available (Y/N)
Assessment Opportunities (while this is not yet populated, this would have been subject to the same policy in future years).
This was initially done to avoid issues that any changes to these columns for each new academic year, when our systems roll over just prior to the 10th of March, may cause for schools and their entries. Upon reflection, however, we agree that it is more straightforward to provide the previous year’s settings and signal, when sending the 10th of March file, of any changes to these.
The columns above are now populated in the attached files based on settings from 2022, until our systems roll over just prior to the 10th of March. Please be aware this means that the data in these columns could change in the March iteration of any given year.
Piloting of the new standards including re-versioning of many of them, and the incremental implementation of digital assessment, has made for an untidy process in this area. We acknowledge the difficulty this has caused for SMS Vendors & Schools, and appreciate your patience and support.
Please find the attached SMS Providers Monthly Standards File for March 2022
Included in this iteration:
The new “Digital Practice Exam Available” field (Y/N).
The field “Assessment Session Code” is populated for 2022.
The field “Assessment Request Indicator” is populated for 2022.
*We are aware of two standards that still require confirmation of their Assessment Request Indicator, these are 91935 and 91946. Until this confirmation is received, these are listed as "NO".
Email from NZQA Team Mailbox Psychometrics, Reporting and Statistics <>
Good morning all
Attached is a new run of the Monthly Standards File as of 16 Aug 2021. Note that this File should fix an issue with Scholarship Language subjects – they should now be able to be entered as DS.
Let me know if you have any further questions or queries about this.
Kind regards,
Hans-Peder Oliff
Data Analyst and Report Writer Psychometrics, Reporting and Statistics