Archiving a future student

Archiving a future student

If required, you can remove a future student from the future student constituency and place all of the details into an archive. If sometime in the future, you attempt to create a new future student whose details match those of the archived student, you can choose to restore the archived student. See Restoring a future student from the archive.

To remove a future student from the future student constituency and archive the student details:

  1. Run a search to find the student or students who you want to archive. See Searching for future students.
    The students that match your search criteria are displayed in the Future Student Selector window.
  2. Right click on the student records that you want to archive.
    The following menu is displayed.
  3. Select Delete.
    The following confirmation window is displayed.
  4. Type the word delete in the confirmation field.
  5. Click .
    The following window is displayed.

    Future students are automatically archived when they are transferred or deleted. To restore a future student from the archive, see Restoring a future student from the archive.
  6. Either click:
    •  to run another search
    •  to close the dialog box. 

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