Future students Overview

Future students Overview

Synergetic allows you to enter and maintain details of the following types of student records:

  • Prospective students are created when you receive enrolment enquiries.
  • Once a prospective student has made an application to enrol, they become a future student.
  • When a student starts at your organisation, they become a current student.
  • When a student leaves your organisation, they become a past student.

Note: The Future, Current and Past student types are maintained as constituencies in the community database. It is possible for students to belong to more than one constituency. For example, a student would be both a past student and a future student if they had left your organisation for a period of time and also had an application in to return.


  • Are not created in the community database. Enquiry students are created through Enquiry Student Maintenance.
  • Have an enquiry ID number associated with them instead of a community ID.
  • Are transferred into future students when an enrolment application is received.

Future Students:

  • Are part of the community and their ID is a Synergetic community ID.
  • May be created by transferring an enquiry to a future student or directly, by creating a future student through Future Student Maintenance.
  • Are transferred into current students when commencing at your organisation.

How to
Use the Future students module to:


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