Processing applications

Processing applications

The following procedure describes a typical way of processing prospective students' applications.

Processing an enquiry

When you receive an enquiry:

  1. In the Enquiries module, record some details about the person making the enquiry and the prospective student, such as name, address, name of student and targeted year of enrolment. See Creating new enrolment enquiries.
  2. Use Microsoft Word mail merge to send out a standard letter and prospectus, using the information in Synergetic.

You can keep in touch with the person by informing them about events of interest such as open days or school concerts.
You can add any additional information about the prospective student at any time. See Maintaining enrolment enquiries.

Processing an application

When you receive an application:

  1. Display the enrolment enquiry details. See Searching for enrolment enquiries.
  2. Enter the details of the contact's spouse if you have not already done so. See Enquiry Student Maintenance - Contact Spouse tab.

    You may need to change the primary contact person at this point. See Maintaining community members in the Community manual.
  3. Click to transfer the student from an enquiry to a future student.
    The Create Future Student wizard runs. The status of the applicant is changed to Future Student. See Creating future students.
    The future student record includes all the information entered at the time of the initial enquiry. Use the Future Student Maintenance windows to add further information. See Maintaining future students.
  4. You can select the priority to be given to the application using criteria such as a sibling at school, a parent is a staff member and so on. This priority is used as one criterion in the ranking process. See How ranking works.
  5. In addition, you can:
    • Create an enrolment application for a future student. See Creating future student enrolment applications.
    • Modify an enrolment application. See Modifying future student enrolment applications.
    • Add enrolment applications in bulk. See Creating future student applications in bulk.

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