Creating new enrolment enquiries

Creating new enrolment enquiries

When you receive a phone call or other enquiry about a student enrolling at your organisation, you need to record some basic details about the person making the enquiry.

You can either:

  • select a current member of the community database and make them an enquiring student or contact
  • create a new record in the Enquiry database.

To create a new enrolment enquiry:

  1. Either:
    • click  on the Process Future Student and Enquirers window

    • click  on the Enquiry Student Maintenance toolbar

    • select File > New from the main menu, when using Enquiry Student Maintenance

    • press Ctrl + N, when using Enquiry Student Maintenance.
    The Create new Enquiry - Contact Name window is displayed.

    Enter case-sensitive values in the Surname and Preferred fields as Synergetic offers to copy these across to the Create new Enquiry - Contact Name window.

  2. Use the and buttons to move through the data input windows.
    Different windows are displayed, depending on your selections on the first window. See Enrolment enquiry creation windows if you need more information about what to enter when you are creating a new enrolment enquiry.

    If the student or contact has no affiliation with your organisation, create a record in the enquiry database. See Enrolment enquiry creation windows.

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