Enquiry Student Maintenance - Source tab

Use the Source tab to maintain the:

  • details of how the enquirer found out about your organisation
  • prospective student's current or previous school.


 Opening the Source tab

To open the Source tab:

  1. Select Module > Future Students > Enquiry/Future Student Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Process Future Student and Enquiries window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the future student functions by clicking .
  2. Select the person the enquiry is about. See Searching for enrolment enquiries.
    The Student tab of the Enquiry Student Maintenance window is displayed.
  3. Click the Source tab.
    The Source tab of the Enquiry Student Maintenance window is displayed.

Enquiry Student Maintenance - Source tab key fields



Source of Enquiry

How the person making the enquiry became aware of your organisation. Examples include:

  • Friends Living in Area
  • Local Newspaper Advertising
  • Parent is Past Student
  • Television Commercial.

    : Use the luEnquirySource lookup table to maintain the values. See luEnquirySource lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Source of Enquiry Comment

Any notes or comments. For example, 'Referred by the Smiths, who have three children currently at the school'.

Enquiry Campaign

Campaign that the enquiry is in response to.

Campaigns are maintained in the luEnquiryCampaign lookup table. See luEnquiryCampaign lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Current or Previous School

Student's current or previous school, if applicable.