Enquiry Student Maintenance - Student tab

Enquiry Student Maintenance - Student tab

Use the Student tab to maintain personal details about the student who is enquiring about enrolling at your organisation.

 Opening the Student tab

To open the Student tab:

  1. Select Module > Future Students > Enquiry/Future Student Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Process Future Student and Enquiries window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the future student functions by clicking .
  2. Select the person the enquiry is about. See Searching for enrolment enquiries.
    The Student tab of the Enquiry Student Maintenance window is displayed.

Enquiry Student Maintenance window - Student tab key fields and buttons





Student's title. For example Master, Miss.


Student's surname.

Given 1

Student's first name.


Student's preferred name, for example James may prefer to be called Jim.

Other Given

All the student's other given names.


Student's gender.

Note: This field is automatically populated when you select the student's title.

Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table.

Date of Birth

Student's date of birth.


Student's religion.

Indigenous Student

Whether the student is an indigenous student.

Torres Strait Islander

Whether the student is a Torres Strait Islander.

Learning Pathway

Student's learning pathway. For example, International Baccalaureate.

Note: For information about defining learning pathways, see the luLearningPathway lookup table. See luLearningPathway lookup table.

Note: This field is used to report student learning pathway selections to the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). This information is included in the Register New Student File, which can be exported for submission to the QCAA using the QCAA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - QCAA tab.

Enquirer is the Contact


  • select the field if the contact is also the enquirer
  • clear the field if not.

If the field is selected, the ParentFlag configuration setting determines whether either the:

  • @PF constituency (Future Parent)
  • @FSOC constituency (Future Student Other Contact)
    is added to the student. See ParentFlag configuration setting in the System maintenance manual.




If the prospective student is related in some way to an existing community member, you can link them in the community database. For example, the prospective student's parent might be a past student with an existing record in the community database.

A prospective student only has an Enquiry ID, and does not exist in the community database.

Click this button to launch the Find Name on Community window.

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