Maintaining enrolment enquiries
Maintaining enrolment enquiries
When someone makes an enquiry about enrolling a student at your organisation, you enter some of the basic details into Synergetic. You need to record the enquirer's name and address details at least, so that you can send out a prospectus.
You can then transfer the name and address information from all the enquiries you have received into Microsoft Word, and use the mail merge facility to send out a standard letter and prospectus.
You can use these details to send out other correspondence. For example, you can easily send out information about open days to all people who have made an enquiry in the past.
How to:
- Search for an enquiring student on the system. See Searching for enrolment enquiries.
- Create a new enquiring student. See Creating new enrolment enquiries.
- Create a prospectus letter. See Creating prospectus letters.
- Add an activity for the enquiring student. See Creating activities (enquiry students).
- Modify an existing activity. See Modifying activities (enquiry students).
- Import an application through an online program, such as through a page on your organisation's website. See