Maintaining enrolment deposits

Maintaining enrolment deposits

Use the Enrolment Deposits Maintenance window to record details of enrolment deposits and repayments that you receive.
Note: You cannot receipt enrolment deposits until the prospective student has been made a future student.

How to:

What you can do:

What you can do…


Maintain enrolment deposit definitions.

Maintaining enrolment deposit definitions

Maintain enrolment deposits used to pay tuition fees in advance.

Record details of deposits received from the debtor.

View the details of the contact or student that the deposit is for.

Enrolment Deposits Maintenance - Student (or Contact) tab

View or update the details of the people to whom the deposit is to be refunded. This is only used for refundable deposits.
Deposits can be refunded through a creditor cheque, through the debtors system or through a general ledger code, for example as a donation to the building fund.

Enrolment Deposits Maintenance - Repayments tab

Record any comments about the deposit.

Define your own tabs or programs within Synergetic.

Display the last update and creation details of the deposit record.