Applying automatic charges
Use the Debtor Automatic Charges program to select a group of students from your organisation and charge them all the same fee for a particular activity.
Note: This is quicker than entering the same information for individual students. See Entering debtor charges for allocating ad hoc charges to individual students.
The student group can be made up of any students. For example, you could select all year 8s, students in year 9 Briggs house and apply only one charge per family if you want.
Important: Make sure that no one else is running the automatic charges program at the same time as you are. If more than one person tries to run automatic charges, internal conflicts occur and an error is displayed.
Summary of process
There are several steps involved in creating automatic charges.
- Using the Debtor Automatic Charges - Selection Screen, select the group of students to charge. Make sure To be Charged is selected. See Selecting groups of students to charge.
Tip: You may want to select a group of students but exclude a small number. For example, Year 9 might be going to camp but some students are unable to attend. Still select all Year 9 students on this window as you will have the opportunity to exclude individual students in the next window. - Click
The Debtor Automatic Charges window is displayed. . - Exclude individual students from the group, if required. See Manually selecting students to charge.
- At this point, you can either:
• create a posting for the students you have selected
• return to the selection window to select more students to add to the list. - To add more students to the list, click
The Debtor Automatic Charges - Selection Screen window is redisplayed. . - Repeat from step 1, for each group of students to be selected.
Tip: If you want to add a small number of students to the list, you can select the large group that they belong to and select Not to be charged. The students you have selected are displayed in the Not to be processed pane of the Debtor Automatic Charges window. You can then select the individual students from the list and clickto include them in the list of students to be processed. - Once you have selected all the students that the charge applies to, click Creating automatic charges posting. . See
Debtor Automatic Charges window key fields and buttons
Button | Description |
Move all student selections in the left-hand pane (Not to be Processed grid area) to the right-hand pane (To be Processed grid area). | |
Move the selected students from the right-hand pane to the left-hand pane. | |
Move the selected students from the left-hand pane to the right-hand pane. | |
Move all student selections from the right-hand pane to the left-hand pane. | |
Add more students to the list. See Selecting groups of students to charge. | |
Begin your charges posting. See Creating automatic charges posting. | |
Clear all the current selections from the window.
| |
Close the Debtor Automatic Charges window.