Printing and emailing debtor statements

Printing and emailing debtor statements

Once you have applied all the debtor charges and have run the Auto Tuition program, you can print the statements for the debtors.
Debtor statements are generated, stored, authorised and sent in distinct, separate stages. You can pause the process at any time and return to it later, or return to a previously generated statement.
You can also customise how the statements appear such as by adding an underlay. See Customising statements for your stationery.
To generate and send out debtor statements:

  1. Generate the debtor statements.
  2. View the generated statements to ensure they appear correct.
  3. If necessary, regenerate the debtor statements.
  4. When you are satisfied the debtor statements are correct, store them in the database.
  5. View the individual statements.
  6. Generate the debtor invoices, if required.
  7. Authorise the statements and invoices so they can be printed or emailed and appear on the Community Portal.
    Note: Emailed and print notifications cannot be created until the statement run has been authorised.
  8. Email statements and invoices.
  9. Print any remaining statements and invoices.
    Note: You can also reprint statements or invoices if you need to. See Reprinting statements.


 Opening the Debtor Statements Print window

To open the Debtor Statement Print window:

  1. Select Debtor > Debtor Statements... from the Synergetic main menu.
    The Debtor Statement Print window is displayed.


Debtor Statement Print key buttons



Generate a new run of debtor statements. See Generating debtor statements.

Select a previously generated set of debtor statements to process, view or delete.

View all generated statements in a single PDF.

Regenerate the selected statement run.

Separate the statement run into individual PDFs of each statement and store them in the Synergetic database. See Storing statements in the database.

View individual statements stored in the database. See Viewing stored statements.

Select an authorisation date to:

  • enable printing and emailing of the statements
  • enable the statements and invoices to be displayed on the Community Portal, if installed.
    See Authorising statements and invoices.

Email statements and invoices to debtors. See Emailing statements and invoices.

Print statements and invoices that have not been emailed to debtors. See Printing statements and invoices.

Export statements to SMARTAPAY.

Delete the selected statement run.
Note: This deletes the statement run and all statement and invoice documents associated with it.

Display a PDF test statement to check your Crystal Report formatting.
Note: You can view the original Crystal Report format by holding down the Shift key when you press the button.

Create statement reminders for unpaid statements. See Sending statement reminders.

Generate invoices from debtor statements for debtors who require invoices. See Generating and storing invoices.

View all generated invoices as a single PDF.

Separate the generated invoices into individual PDFs and store them in the Synergetic database. See Generating and storing invoices.

View the individual invoices stored in the database. See Viewing stored statements.

Select a range of debtors to email or print statements and invoices for. See Setting notification ranges for statements and invoices.
Note: If a range of debtors has been selected, *Range Active* is displayed.

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