Debtor Statement Print - Selections window

Debtor Statement Print - Selections window

Use the Debtor Statement Print - Selections window to make selections about what to print, as part of Generating debtor statements.

Select the statement printing options. For more information on the fields, see the key fields section below.

  1. Click .
    The Balance Criteria window of Debtor Statement Print is displayed. See Debtor Statement Print - Balance Criteria window

Debtor Statement Print - Selections window key fields



Sub Ledger

Sub-ledger of the debtor statement.

Statement Date

Date to print on the statement.
This is normally today's date. You can change it if necessary, for example to generate a statement relating to a previous period.
Note: The statement will only include charges up to and including this date.

Statement Due Date

Due date printed on the statement.
You can choose any date that suits your organisation. Often, statements are due at the end of the month or in 30 days from the date the statement was issued.

Print All Statement Groups

Select to print all statements.
Use this if you do not use statement groups within the system or if you want to print statements for debtors regardless of their group.
When you select this option, the Statement Group field becomes inactive.

Statement Group

Select a group for printing if required. For example, full-fee students may only receive statements twice a year while normal students may receive one a term.
Include/ Exclude A single group can be selected for this statement run (include) or use reverse logic to include all other statements except the selected one (exclude).
Note: You can create a single statement for an individual debtor without creating a new group by using the Print Specific Debtors field.

Print Specific Debtors

Select to limit the statement print to specific debtors. The Debtor Search screen is displayed to select the debtors when you click .

Statement Description

Description that will appear on the header of the statement, for example Term 1, Statement 12.

Statement Comment

Additional comments to include in the statement run. For example, you could include a greeting or general notice to the community.