Debtors Overview

Debtors Overview

The Debtors module allows you to add and maintain debtor details. Use the Debtors windows to:

  • Record and maintain the details of the debtors responsible for the payment of student fees. Any person or company can be recorded as a debtor. Synergetic automatically checks and records the debtor's name and address on the school's main Community database. You can use a home or a business address for mailing statements.
  • Set up split billing arrangements by percentage or category of charge. For example, one debtor pays the tuition fees and the other pays all the other charges; two debtors each pay 50% of all charges. A spouse can be included or excluded from liability for a student's fees.
  • Set up debtor groups, to allow statements or balance listings to be processed at different times.
  • Create a fee code to define the billable activities of the school, record default values and create links to general ledger allocations. Fees can be linked to specified populations within the school, for example Year 9 students, Boarders.

Use the fee code to set up sibling discounts based on the number of children or child position in the family. Sibling discounts are applied automatically when tuition fees are charged. The description of the fee, together with additional comments entered when the charge is made, is usually printed on the family's account.

Use Fee Entry windows to:

  • Enter charges manually for individual students, create bulk charges for all students that meet a given criteria, and automatically process tuition fees, including processing scholarships and fee credits.
  • Enter individual payments, print bank deposit forms and receipts, process BPAY and phone banking payments, and record direct debit payments.
  • Control overdue accounts, print statements and reports, and automatically prepare overdue account letters.

You must have the Synergetic Core module installed to run the Debtors module. Other modules are available which expand the student details available to the school. They include Medical Records, Timetable and Classes (Programs) Enquiry, Assessments, and Absences/Attendances.

For more information about general debtor management, see:

 How to:

Online payments

You can configure online payments to allow debtors to make one-off payments and scheduled tuition payments on the Community Portal. For information about configuring online payments, see Online payments.

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