Overview of processing debtors

Overview of processing debtors

The way you manage debtors depends on the policies and procedures within your organisation.

The example below is one way you can manage debtors within Synergetic.

  1. Enter the names and details of each debtor into Synergetic. The details include any concessions, special arrangements and split payment details that apply to the debtor. See Maintaining debtors.
  2. Define all the fees and charges that you invoice for on a regular basis, such as tuition fees, boarding fees and course levies. See Maintaining debtor fees.
  3. Apply each fee to the relevant group of students. For example, select all year 8 students and apply the tuition fee for year 8, select all the year 8 students in Briggs house attending the term 1 camp and apply the camp levy. See Applying automatic charges.
  4. Apply charges to students attending classes that incur a fee, for example a co-curricular music class. See Applying student class charges.
  5. Apply other charges as required, for example transport charges and interest charges relating to overdue accounts. See:

    • Creating student transport charges
    • Creating student overdue object loan charges
     Applying debtor overdue charges.

  6. If you have debtors that pay in instalments, apply the instalment charges to these debtors. See Applying instalment charges.
  7. Once all relevant fees and charges have been applied to the debtors, run the Auto Tuition program to apply charges for all fees with an auto tuition code. See Automatic Tuition.
  8. Print statements (or tax invoices) for all debtors. See Printing and emailing debtor statements.
  9. Record all payments received. See Entering cash receipts.

As with any module in Synergetic, there are a number of reports available that allow you to report on different aspects of debtors. You can also create and customise your own reports if you have some knowledge of the Crystal Reports application. See Running key Debtor reports.

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