Processing enrolment deposit repayments

Use this program to generate refunds for enrolment deposits that are marked for repayment.
After running this program, print cheques for the refunds. See Printing creditor cheques in the Creditors manual.

 Opening the Enrolment Deposit Repayments window

To open the Enrolment Deposit Repayments window:

  1. Select Module > Debtors > Enrolment Deposit Repayments from the main menu.
    The Enrolment Deposit Repayments window is displayed.

Enrolment Deposit Repayment window key fields



Posting Date

Date of the posting.


Description of the transaction.

Process Debtor Repayments

Select for Synergetic to create a debtor invoice posting for all enrolment deposits marked for repayment.

Fee Code

Fee Code to assign to the debtor repayment. This code appears as a credit.

Process Creditor Repayments

Select for Synergetic to create a creditor invoice posting for all enrolment deposits marked for repayment.

Bank Account

Bank account used for this transaction.

R/A Description

Description used on the Creditor Remittance Advice statement.

Append Child Name if student based deposit

Select to append the student's name to the R/A Description if this is a student-based deposit.

Process Donated Repayments

Select for Synergetic to create a creditor invoice posting for all donations marked for repayment.

Journal Description

Description on the general ledger journal entry created for this donation.