Processing overdue letters

Processing overdue letters

Use the Process Debtors Overdue Letters window to select outstanding accounts to create overdue letters for. Once created, overdue letters can be:

 Opening the Process Debtors Overdue Letters window

To open the Process Debtors Overdue Letters window:

  1. Select Module > Debtors > Debtor Overdue Letters from the main menu.
    The Process Debtors Overdue Letters window is displayed.

Process Debtor Overdue Letters window key fields



Run Type

Select the type of overdue letter run:

  • If First Run Since Statements Produced is selected, overdue information is cleared for current debtors.
  • The Days between Letters 1 is used, as this is the first run.
    If Subsequent Run is selected, then subsequent overdue letters are generated using Days between Letters 2 through 5, incrementing for each run.

Preview Only

Select to generate a summary of the number of debtors with outstanding accounts and the total amount outstanding.
Clear to process outstanding accounts that meet the selection criteria.

Letter Date

The date that will appear on the overdue letters.

Original Reference Date

The date from which accounts are deemed overdue.
Important: It is important not to change this field for subsequent runs, as this is used to determine the accounts overdue using the Days between Letters fields.

Minimum Balance

Only print overdue letters if the amount owed is above the Minimum Balance. This avoids sending out letters for insignificant amounts.

Balance Applicable for all Letters

Select if the minimum balance is applicable to all overdue letters sent. That is, print subsequent overdue letters only if the outstanding balance is greater than the Minimum Balance.
Clear to print subsequent letters until the debt is cleared, irrespective of the minimum balance.

Days Between Letters #1

Used to determine accounts overdue who are to receive their first overdue letter. The date that accounts are overdue is calculated by adding this field to the Original Reference Date.
Either type in the number of days or click on the up and down arrows.

Days Between Letters #2-#5

Used to determine accounts still overdue who are to receive a subsequent letter. The date that accounts are overdue is calculated by adding this field to the previous Days Between Letters field.
Either type in the number of days or click on the up and down arrows.

Statement Group

You use statement groups to group like debtors together for the purposes of statements, reports and so on. You can select a particular group to process letters for.
Leave this field blank if you want to process letters for all debtors.

Debtor ID

You can select an individual debtor to send an overdue letter to. You can either:

  • type the debtor's identifier
  • click to search for a debtor.

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