Printing ENROL Get_Check NSN reports

Printing ENROL Get_Check NSN reports

You can preview and print the results of:

  • retrieval of NSNs
  • checks of student NSNs and identity data.

For example, you may want to print out copies of:

  • repeated changes made to an individual student
  • changes made to several students.

The reports are organised into sessions, based on the usage of the Get/Check NSN function. For each session, the following information is recorded:

  • process number, used to uniquely identify the session
  • date and time
  • the number of times the Get/Check NSN function was used while Current Student Maintenance was open.

To preview the NZ MoE ENROL Get/Check NSN report:

  1. Open the NZMOE tab of Current Student Maintenance.
    The NZMOE tab of the Current Student Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Select Process Number window is displayed.
  3. Select the process number to review.
  4. Click .
    The NZ MoE ENROL Get/Check NSN report is previewed.

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