Current Student Maintenance - Timetable tab

Current Student Maintenance - Timetable tab

Use the Timetable tab to display the student's timetable and special events for the specified date. This tab can be used to locate a student at any time during the day.

The start and end times of any medical incidents entered for the student are displayed on their timetable. This allows you to identify a student's whereabouts, if medical incidents are entered at the time that they occur. No details of the incident are displayed. The Out time of the student is shown, if applicable.

The description defaults to Sick Bay. This value is maintained in Configuration File Maintenance. See MedicalIncident configuration setting in the System maintenance manual.

 Opening the Timetable tab

To open the Timetable tab:

  1. Select Module > Students > Current Student Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Current Student Search Criteria window is displayed.

    You can also access the current student functions by clicking

  2. Search for the student. See Searching for existing students in the Current students manual.
  3. Click the Timetable tab.
    The Timetable tab of the Current Student Maintenance window is displayed.

Current Student Maintenance - Timetable tab key fields and buttons



File Type

Classes can be either academic or co-curricular.

Change the file type selection to view classes in other areas.
Note: If you do not have a blank file type in the drop-down list, clear the File Type field then click .

Timetable Date

Timetable date.

Note: The default date is today's date. Adjust the date if necessary.

Current Day

Timetable cycle day.

Start Date

Start date for the current timetable cycle.

Timetable grid area fields

Lists the timetable of classes for the file type and date specified.




Scheduled start time.


Description for the period of time.


Room code where the class is taking place.


Class code.

Class Description

Description of the class.


Staff code for the staff member taking the class.

Events grid area fields

List the events for the date specified. This can be used to notify staff of camps and sporting events.

Also see:




Date of the event.


Description of the event.


Location of the event.

Location Description

Description of the location.

Location Contact

Person handling the event location.


Outcome of the event.




Refresh the timetable for the selected file type and date.

Launch Class Maintenance for the selected class. See Maintaining classes in the Assessments and reports manual.


Explanation for the formatting applied to each of the classes displayed in the grid area.

Colour and font


Black, normal font

Class containing students, taught by the regular staff member in the usual room.

Red, normal font

Class where a change has been made, either:

  • a substitute teacher is taking the class
  • the class is being held in a different room to the usual room.

Blue, normal font

A class or appointment has been made using Staff Schedule Maintenance. See Maintaining co-curricular activities in the Curriculum manual
Black, italic fontSubstituted class taken by a different staff member or held in a different room.

Grey, normal font

Recess and lunch.
Grey, italic font, strikethroughClass has been cancelled.

Burgundy, normal font

A medical incident has been recorded for the student for the selected day.
Black, yellow highlightPeriod is part of a multi-period group.

Launch student timetable report. Runs the Student Timetable report.

Note: The report may vary depending on what timetable group the student belongs to. Search for the report in Configuration File Maintenance. See Students:ReportName configuration setting in the System maintenance manual.