Current Student Maintenance - NCEA tab

Current Student Maintenance - NCEA tab

New Zealand organisations use the NCEA tab to:

  • view assessment standards linked to areas of assessment for the selected student
  • maintain Te Reo Paper and Te Reo Answer Request values for one or more linked assessment standards
  • view assessment standards done at other organisations
  • update assessment standards done at other organisations, if they have not been printed.

Note: If you need to modify records on the Other Standards grid for a prior semester, you may need to clear the Rprts Prntd (reports printed) field on the File Semester tab of Student File Semester Maintenance, for the relevant semester. See Student File Semester Maintenance - File Semester tab in the Curriculum manual.

NCEA is part of the New Zealand National Qualifications Framework. See the National Certificates of Educational Achievement web site.
The result, date or classification for each area of assessment are maintained in Student Results Maintenance. See Maintaining student results in the Assessments and reports manual.

 Opening the NCEA tab

To open the NCEA tab:

  1. Select Module > Students > Current Student Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Current Student Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the current student functions by clicking .
  2. Search for the student. See Searching for existing students in the Current students manual.
  3. Click the NCEA tab.
    The NCEA tab of the Current Student Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Adjust the File Year field, if required.

Current Student Maintenance - NCEA tab key fields and buttons



File Year

Change the File Year to see the linked standards for a different year.

  • type a different year
  • click either the up or down arrow to increment or decrement the year, respectively.

Assessment Linked Standards / Other Standards

Select one of the options to display either the:

  • assessment standards linked to results at your organisation
  • assessment standards done at other organisations.



Show Standards

Select one of the following options to filter the assessment linked standards:



Show all of the standards for the selected File Year.

Internally Assessed

Show internally assessed standards for the selected File Year.

Internally assessed standards are the responsibility of NZ MOE.

Externally Assessed

Show externally assessed standards for the selected File Year.

Externally assessed NCEA standards are the responsibility of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).

Grid area fields

The fields displayed in the grid area depend on which option is selected.

 Assessment linked standards grid area fields



ClassClass code for the assessment area. This code is the campus followed by the course code (see below). For example, S/NCEA01.


Standard number for the assessment area.

For example, assessment standard 90022 is the responsibility of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.


Current version of the assessment standard.

CourseSubject code of the assessment standard. For example, NCEA01.

Level of difficulty that applies to the assessment standard.

The standards assessed in schools are usually at levels 1, 2 and 3. Most students start at level 1 in year 11, though students often study at a mix of levels depending on their ability in particular subject areas and availability.

TypeFile type of the subject. In most cases, this is A for academic subjects. See File types in the Introduction manual.


Whether the assessment standard is Internal or External.


Number of credits available from the assessment standard.

When a student achieves a standard, these credits count towards their NCEA and may also contribute towards other national certificates, such as the National Certificate in Mathematics.


Result the student has achieved at your organisation for the linked assessment area.

The value is maintained on the Single Student tab of Student Results Maintenance.
Click to launch Student Results Maintenance to maintain the student's results. See Maintaining student results in the Assessments and reports manual.
In the following example, the Result field (column) is displayed for Angelo Adamski on the Single Student tab of Student Results Maintenance.


Date that the assessable result was completed.

The value is maintained on the Single Student tab of Student Results Maintenance.
Click to launch Student Results Maintenance to maintain the student's results. See Maintaining student results in the Assessments and reports manual.
In the following example, the Date field (column) is displayed for Angelo Adamski on the Single Student tab of Student Results Maintenance.

Cred Ach

Credits achieved by the student for the assessment standard. Also see the Cred field above.


Title of the assessment standard.


All students must be assessed by an accredited provider. Providers are usually secondary schools, area schools or wharekura (Maori-medium secondary schools).


Selected if the student has withdrawn from the subject area.

Te Reo Answer Req

Select to request the examination answers in the Maori language, if it is available. When the Other Standards mode is selected the field name is Te Reo Answer.

Te Reo Paper Req

Select to request the examination paper in the Maori language, if it is available. When the Other Standards mode is selected the field name is Te Reo Paper.

Assessment Opportunity

Students have up to three opportunities to complete the assessment for each standard. This field must be populated for externally assessed standards and blank for internally assessed standards.

Select a number to indicate the assessment opportunity chosen by the student for the selected standard.

Note: The number of assessment opportunities for each standard is specified in the Assessment Opportunities field (field 29) of the standards file, which is imported into Synergetic using the Import Standards File action on the NZQA tab of the Import/Export Student data window. See Import_Export Student Data - NZQA tab.

Assessment Request Type

Type of assessment requested.


  • DE = Digital Exam
  • PE = Paper Exam
  • DS = Digital Submission
  • PS = Physical Submission

Note: Restricted to those Types allowed for the selected Assessment Opportunity. 

This will auto select to default value when Assessment Opportunity is selected, but can then be manually set to a different allowed value if required.

Dgtl Prac Exm Req

Select to request a digital practice exam.

The following confirmation message is displayed if you select this field for an assessment that does not currently have an available digital practice exam.

You can request digital practice exams for assessment that do not currently have exams, but no request is submitted until an exam is available. By selecting this field you can ensure that you will receive a digital practice exam as soon as one becomes available.  

Te Reo Ans Avail

Maori language examination answers are available.

Trsltd Paper AvailWhether a translated paper is available for the selected assessment.
Assessment Request Indicator

Indicates available Assessment Request Types for the given standard and assessment opportunity.

  • Example: 1=DE|PE;2=DE|PE;3=DS

The first Assessment Request Type should be the default available to schools.

Dgtl Prac Exam AvailWhether a digital practice exam is available for the selected assessment.


Context of the assessment standard. The context is maintained in the luSubjectAssessmentContext lookup table. See Maintaining lookup tables in the System maintenance manual.


Order that the other assessment standards are displayed. This field is not displayed when the Assessment Linked Standards mode is selected.

 Other standards grid area fields




Standard number for the assessment area.

For example, assessment standard 90022 is the responsibility of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.


Current version of the assessment standard.

File TypeFile Type linked to the assessment standard.
CourseCourse linked to the assessment standard.


Level of difficulty that applies to the assessment standard.

The standards assessed in schools are usually at levels 1, 2 and 3. Most students start at level 1 in year 11, though students often study at a mix of levels depending on their ability in particular subject areas and availability.


File type of the subject. In most cases, this is A for academic subjects. See File types in the Introduction manual.


Whether the assessment standard is Internal or External.


Number of credits available from the assessment standard.

When a student achieves a standard, these credits count towards their NCEA and may also contribute towards other national certificates, such as the National Certificate in Mathematics.


Result the student has achieved at your organisation for the linked assessment area.

The value is maintained on the Single Student tab of Student Results Maintenance.
Click to launch Student Results Maintenance to maintain the student's results. See Maintaining student results in the Assessments and reports manual.
In the following example, the Result field (column) is displayed for Angelo Adamski on the Single Student tab of Student Results Maintenance.


Date that the assessable result was completed.

The value is maintained on the Single Student tab of Student Results Maintenance.
Click to launch Student Results Maintenance to maintain the student's results. See Maintaining student results in the Assessments and reports manual.
In the following example, the Date field (column) is displayed for Angelo Adamski on the Single Student tab of Student Results Maintenance.

Endorse CodeEndorsement code of the assessment standard.

Cred Ach

Credits achieved by the student for the assessment standard. Also see the Cred field above.


Title of the assessment standard.


All students must be assessed by an accredited provider. Providers are usually secondary schools, area schools or wharekura (Maori-medium secondary schools).


Selected if the student has withdrawn from the subject area.

Te Reo Ans

Select to request the examination answers in the Maori language, if it is available. When the Other Standards mode is selected the field name is Te Reo Answer.

Te Reo Paper

Select to request the examination paper in the Maori language, if it is available. When the Other Standards mode is selected the field name is Te Reo Paper.

Assessment Request Type

Type of assessment requested.


  • DE = Digital Exam
  • PE = Paper Exam
  • DS = Digital Submission
  • PS = Physical Submission
Dgtl Prac Exam Req

Select to request a digital practice exam.

The following confirmation message is displayed if you select this field for an assessment that does not currently have an available digital practice exam.

You can request a digital practice exams for an assessment without an exam, but no request is submitted until an exam is available. By selecting this field you can ensure that you will receive a digital practice exam as soon as one becomes available.  

Te Reo Ans Avail

Maori language examination answers are available. This field is not displayed when the Other Standards mode is selected.

Trsltd Paper AvailWhether a translated exam is available for the selected assessment.
Dgtl Prac Exam AvailWhether a digital practice exam is available for the selected assessment.


Context of the assessment standard. The context is maintained in the luSubjectAssessmentContext lookup table. See Maintaining lookup tables in the System maintenance manual.


Order that the other assessment standards are displayed. This field is not displayed when the Assessment Linked Standards mode is selected.




Launch into Student Results Maintenance to maintain the student results linked to the assessment standards, for the selected student and class. See Maintaining student results in the Assessments and reports manual.

Display the details of the NCEA standard for the selected standard.

Add an other assessment standard for the student, which was done at another organisation.

The NCEA Standards Search window is displayed.

To add an other assessment standard for the student:

  1. Update the search criteria and click.
  2. Select the assessment standard that has been assessed at another organisation.
  3. Click .
  4. Update the following fields, as required:
  • Result
  • Completed
  • Cred Ach
  • Provider
  • Withdrawn
  • Te Reo Ans (Te Reo Ans Req)
  • Te Reo Paper (Te Reo Paper Req)
  • Context
  • Standard Language
    Refer to the fields above for details of each.

Modify an existing other assessment standard.

Delete an existing other assessment standard.

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