Create New Future Student - Future Student Name window

Create New Future Student - Future Student Name window

Use the Future Student Name window to enter a future student's details. This may include known information and inferred information such as gender.

Create New Future Student - Future Student Name window key fields




Future student's title.


Future student's surname.

Given 1

Future student's given name.


Future student's preferred name. This field is automatically populated with the student's given name. You can type another name if required, for example if the student's given name is Stephen, you could type Steve.

Other Given

Future student's middle name and any other given names.


Future student's gender. This field is automatically completed when you select the student's title.

Note: You can define the list of genders used at your organisation using the luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table.

Note: The following window is displayed when there is a gender mismatch between the Title field and Gender field.

Date of Birth

Future student's date of birth. If their date of birth is:

  • Not specified for the student, a message is displayed.
  • Outside the minimum or maximum range, a message is displayed on the Create New Future Student - Future Student Name window. See 39684460.

    Note: See MinimumStartingAge, MaximumStartingAge configuration settings in the System maintenance manual.


Student's religion. See luReligion lookup table in the System maintenance manual.


Student's parish. See luParish lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

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