Create New Future Student - Enrol Details window

Create New Future Student - Enrol Details window

Use the Enrol Details window to enter enrolment details for a new future student.

Create New Future Student - Enrol Details window key fields



Application Date

Date the application was made to enrol at your organisation.

Enrol for Date

Date the student is proposing to enrol at the organisation.

Set to the first day of the year in most cases. Set to the actual start date when a student starts later in the year.

If the Year Level is specified, the recommended year is displayed based on the:

In the following example, the year 2017 is recommended as the:

  • Year Level is Prep
  • student's date of birth is 1/06/2011
  • cut-off date is 1st April.


Campus the future student will attend.

Year Level

Student's year level. All year levels are numeric and depend on your organisation. For example, 0 for Prep or Reception.

Early learning centres such as preschool and pre-prep are allocated year levels 30 (3 year old) and 40 (4 year old). This is because year levels must be integers.

If the Year Level field is blank, the recommended year level is displayed based on the:

In the following example, year level 1 is recommended as the:

  • Enrol for Date is 1/1/2016
  • student's date of birth is 13/07/2008
  • cut-off date is 1st April.


Priority the application has been assigned. Your organisation can decide how to prioritise the offer of places. Typical values include:

  • Existing Family
  • Sibling at School
  • Parent is Ex Student
  • Parent is Staff
  • Normal.


The enrolment residential status. Typical values include:

  • Boarder
  • Day Student
  • Home Stay.

    This setting is critical for boarding students as it affects their funding.

Enquiry Date

Date the person making the enquiry first contacted your organisation.

This field shows the current date by default when created from an enquiry. The field is not populated automatically when created as a future student.

Your organisation may elect to use the date of the first enquiry as one of the criteria for allocating priorities to applicants.

Source of Enquiry

How the person making the enquiry became aware of your organisation. Examples include:

  • Friends Living in Area
  • Local Newspaper Advertising
  • Parent is Past Student
  • Television Commercial.

    : Use the luEnquirySource lookup table to maintain the values. See luEnquirySource lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Source of Enquiry Comment

Any notes or comments. For example, 'Referred by the Smiths, who have three children currently at the school'.

Current/Previous School

Student's current or previous school or institution, if applicable.

Initial Schooling Date

Usually the date when the student first attends your organisation. However for:

  • CEO schools, the date a student first studies in Australia
  • For NZ schools, the date when a student turns 5 years old.

Gov Student No

Student number assigned to the student by the government. Type:

  • N if a new VSN (Victorian Student Number) is required
  • U if the student has a VSN but is unsure of the number
  • the VSN if known.

    Currently used in the State of Victoria, Australia. Also known as VSN.

Add Future Student to Courses

Select to add the future student to the courses immediately.

The enrolment date is set to the start date of the course the student is applying for.

: Mouse over the
icon to display the related tip.

Clear the field if you either:

Applied for Funding

Select if the student has applied for funding.

The field is maintained on the Enrol Details tab. See Future Student Maintenance - Enrol Details tab.

**This tickbox is only visible for Catholic VIC schools (module CEOVIC is enabled).