Current Student Maintenance - Classes bar

Current Student Maintenance - Classes bar

Use the Classes bar to view:

  • academic and co-curricular classes the student is enrolled in at your organisation
  • details of the student's involvement in the class.


 Opening the Classes bar

To open the Classes bar:

  1. Select Students > Student Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Set Current Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the student. See Searching for students.
    The first student's record is displayed on the Current Student Maintenance window. One bar is expanded depending on your last session or earlier selection.
  3. Scroll down to the Classes bar, if required.
  4. Click the Classes bar.

    : You can click anywhere on the bar to open it.

    The Classes bar of the Current Student Maintenance window is expanded.


Current Student Maintenance - Classes bar key fields, links and buttons
Selection area
The selection area consists of fields used to determine which classes are listed for the student.




File Type

Type of class. See the luFileType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.
For example:

  • academic classes
  • music classes
  • sport.

    Tip: Set the File Type to blank to show all types of classes for the student.

Year & Sem

Year and semester the student attended the class.

Note: This field may display as Year & Term depending on Synergetic settings.

All Years

Select to display classes from all years the student has been enrolled.

All Semester

Select to display classes from all semesters of the selected year.

Note: This field may display as All Term depending on Synergetic settings.

Show all non academic

Select to display all non-academic classes for the selected year and semester.
Note: This displays all file types except A.

Assessable only

Select to only display classes with an Assessable flag set.

Active only

Select to only display classes that the student is enrolled in at the current date, using the start and stop dates against a student's class.

Note: You can maintain class start and stop dates using Synergetic Class Maintenance.

Grid area
The grid area consists of:

  • key fields for each of the classes that the student attends
  • launch links that navigate to Class Maintenance or Results Maintenance.




Year and Semester

Year and semester of the class.


Class code. This contains a hyperlink to the list of students taking this class.


Class description.

Note: The description is obtained automatically from Class Maintenance.


Whether the student has completed the requirements for the class.

Note: This field is normally used for external study or co-curricular classes. It can also be used for charging purposes. See Making adjustments for students not attending classes in the Synergetic Debtors manual.


If selected, the class is assessable.

Start Date

Date the student commenced the class.

Note: You can maintain class start and stop dates using the Synergetic timetable import function or Class Maintenance.

Stop Date

Date the student withdrew, if applicable.

Note: You can maintain class start and stop dates using the Synergetic timetable import function or Class Maintenance.


Staff code for the staff member taking the class.


Any adjustments made to the number of class sessions being undertaken.
For example, a negative adjustment for a co-curricular class gives the student a refund for missed classes. See Making adjustments for students not attending classes in the Synergetic Debtors manual.



Overall 1 / 2

Calculated (special) fields that show the result of the assessment areas that are designated as:

  • Overall Seq is equal to 1 on the assessment area
  • Overall Seq is equal to 2 on the assessment area, respectively.

    In the following example, the overall results for the S/AC341 accounting class are shown for the student.

    The Overall Seq field is maintained on the Area sub-tab of Subject Assessment Maintenance. See Subject Assessment Maintenance - Area tab - Area sub-tab in the Synergetic Assessments and reports manual.

PTI Request

Description of the parent teacher interview request status.

Launch links




Launch Class Maintenance for the selected class.
Click the Class code link in the grid area.

The Class Maintenance window is displayed. See Maintaining classes in the Assessments and reports manual.


Launch Results Maintenance for the selected class and student.
Click the Results link in the grid area, next to the class.

The results for each individual student in the class are displayed. See Results Maintenance - Single window in the Assessments and reports manual.




Edit the selected class. See Class Maintenance - Students bar in the Assessments and reports manual.

Delete the selected class. This launches the following prompt.

Click to delete the class.

Common fields



Search Filter

The Search Filter field is located at the top of the Student Selector. This field can be used to filter students by any of the information displayed in the Student Selector.
For example to filter students by name simply type either the student's:

  • last name
  • first name
  • last name then first name separated by a comma.
    To filter students by year level simply type the student's year level in the Search Filter field.

Common buttons



Create a new student. See Creating new students.

Delete the selected student. See Deleting a current student.

Display the Current Student Maintenance Search Criteria window.
You can update the search criteria and search for new students. See Searching for students.

Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Create a new task relating to the current student. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual.

Click to refresh information for the selected student.

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