Current Student Maintenance - Activity bar

Current Student Maintenance - Activity bar

Use the Activity bar to:

  • View activities created when the student was a future student. For example, you can view the open day activities and interview-related activities that occurred.
  • View and add activities for the current student. For example, you may have activities that are required at the start of the student's time at your organisation, such as:
  • recording agent communications, if you use agents to enrol students
  • determining the immigration status of the student
  • sending orientation letters and reminders
  • recording whether passport details have been received
  • issuing private guardianship letters
  • requesting accommodation for 'out of town' students.


 Opening the Activity bar

To open the Activity bar:

  1. Select Students > Student Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Set Current Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the student. See Searching for students.
    The first student's record is displayed on the Current Student Maintenance window. One bar is expanded depending on your last session or earlier selection.
  3. Scroll down to the Activity bar, if required.
  4. Click the Activity bar.

    : You can click anywhere on the bar to open it.

    The Activity bar is expanded.

Current Student Maintenance - Activity bar key fields and buttons





Identifier for the activity planned.


Date the activity is scheduled for.


Status of the activity. For example:

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
  • Waiting for someone.


Person in your organisation who is responsible for the activity.

Follow Up /
F'Up Date

Indicates if a follow up is required and if so, the date the follow up is scheduled for.


Notes regarding the follow up.

Mail Rqst /
Mailed Date /
Mailed By

Indicates if a mailed request is required and if so:

  • the date the mail request is scheduled for
  • who mailed the request.

Activity ID

Unique number identifying the activity.


Unique number identifying the follow up to the activity.

Created By

User ID of the user who created the activity.




Add a new activity for this student.

Click to edit this activity.

Click to delete this activity.

Common fields



Search Filter

The Search Filter field is located at the top of the Student Selector. This field can be used to filter students by any of the information displayed in the Student Selector.
For example to filter students by name simply type either the student's:

  • last name
  • first name
  • last name then first name separated by a comma.
    To filter students by year level simply type the student's year level in the Search Filter field.

Common buttons



Create a new student. See Creating new students.

Delete the selected student. See Deleting a current student.

Display the Current Student Maintenance Search Criteria window.
You can update the search criteria and search for new students. See Searching for students.

Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Create a new task relating to the current student. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual.

Click to refresh information for the selected student.

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