Current students Overview

Current students Overview

Current students are students currently attending your organisation.

Usually, current students are transferred from the future students constituency in bulk. See Transferring future students to current students in the Synergetic Future students manual. Future students are students who are enrolled at your organisation but have not yet attended classes.

When current students leave your organisation, all their information is transferred to the past students constituency. Contact is maintained with past students for a number of reasons, including fundraising. See Past students Overview in the Synergetic Past students manual.

The SynWeb Current Students module allows you to add and maintain student details. Use the Current Students windows to:

  • Create a student record. The student record includes the student's personal and contact details. The student's name and address is checked against the main Community database.
  • Flag the student's record for curriculum delivery and government reporting purposes.
  • Maintain student relationships with other community members.
  • Add and maintain alerts. For example, to indicate that the student has a significant health issue or that the student is the subject of a custody dispute.
  • Add and maintain details of any scholarships or awards won by the student.
  • Send communications to students.

How to:

Synergetic and SynWeb are complementary programs using a common database. The two main advantages of SynWeb are that:

  • SynWeb is available using a web browser, such as Internet Explorer
  • the Synergetic windows client software does not need to be installed on your PC, if you only need the functions available from SynWeb.

Synergetic Windows client

Use Synergetic for the following functions that are unavailable in SynWeb. You can use the Synergetic Current students manual to:

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