Maintaining excursions

Use the Excursion Maintenance windows to :

What you can do using SynWeb:

What you can do...


View and maintain details about excursions including:

  • objectives
  • attire
  • excursion status
  • attendance details
  • date of the excursion.

Maintain details about excursion locations including the excursion:

  • location
  • contact
  • address
  • phone number
  • types of content displayed on the Community Portal.
Excursion Maintenance - Location bar

View and maintain:

  • ticket types
  • ticket prices
  • any special considerations required for an attendee group.

Excursion Maintenance - Attributes bar

View and maintain a list of excursion organisers.

View and maintain details about people invited to attend the excursion.

Excursion Maintenance - Attendees bar

View and maintain details required to be updated prior to the excursion including:

  • dietary requirements
  • emergency contact details
  • medical details.

Excursion Maintenance - Update of Details bar

View and maintain the consent information for the excursion.

Excursion Maintenance - Consent bar

View and maintain object resources required for the excursion.

Excursion Maintenance - Required Resources bar

Define the parameters for excursions that you want to display on your organisation's web site including:

  • when the details about the excursions will appear on the web site
  • an email address for queries
  • a merchant identifier for financial transactions
  • the content and design of the information you want to display.

View and maintain reminders and notifications sent to community members regarding the excursion.

View and maintain risks associated with the excursion.

View and maintain approval activities that community members need to complete before their excursion attendance is confirmed.

Define groups and sub-groups for excursion attendees.

Excursion Maintenance - Groups bar

View and maintain absence details.

View and maintain attendances and mark rolls for the excursion.

View documents, spreadsheets and pictures related to the excursion.