Excursion Maintenance - Location bar

Use the Location bar to view and maintain details about excursion locations including the excursion:

  • location
  • contact
  • address
  • phone number.

Once you have selected an excursion location you can use the Show in Community Portal Approval Process area fields to determine the information displayed to users completing excursion consent forms on the Excursion tab of the Community Portal.


 Opening the Location bar

To open the Location bar:

  1. Select Students > Excursion Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Set Excursion Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for excursions. See Searching for excursions.
  3. Click the Location bar.

     You can click anywhere on a navigation bar other than the caption to open it.

    The Location bar of the Excursion Maintenance window is displayed.

Excursion Maintenance - Location bar key fields and buttons

Location details area fields and buttons




Location Code

Used to select the location of the excursion. Once you select a location in this field the following fields are automatically populated:

  • Location
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • Address 3
  • Suburb
  • State
  • Postcode
  • Phone.

Note: One or more of these fields may be blank. This indicates that the fields are not populated in the luLocation lookup table. See luLocation lookup table.

Tip: You can click to edit, add or refresh entries in the luLocation lookup table.


Person who is the key contact at the venue.


Location of the event.

Note: This field and the following seven read-only fields are filled when the location code is selected.

Address 1Address line 1 of the excursion location.
Address 2Address line 2 of the excursion location.
Address 3Address line 3 of the excursion location.
SuburbSuburb of the excursion location.
StateState of the excursion location.
PostcodePostcode of the excursion location.
PhonePhone number of the excursion location.




Used to update the luLocation lookup table.

You can:

  • Edit the selected location record using the Lookup Table Maintenance window.
  • Add a new location record using the Lookup Table Maintenance window.
  • Refresh the lookup table to manually apply changes to the lookup table.

Note: The luLocation lookup table is automatically refreshed when new location records are added using this button.

Note: For information about the fields of the luLocation lookup table, see luLocation lookup table.

Preview the location HTML.

Note: You can define the location HTML using the LocationHTML field of the luLocation lookup table. See luLocation lookup table.

Show in Community Portal Approval Process area fields



Location HTMLSelect to display the location HTML defined using the LocationHTML field of the luLocation lookup table on the Excursions tab of the Community Portal. See luLocation lookup table.

Whether the location address is displayed for users in the Community Portal.

Location Description

Whether the location address is displayed for users in the Community Portal.

Common buttons



Create a new excursion. See Creating new excursions.

Copy the selected excursion. See Copying excursions.

Delete the currently selected excursion.

Display the Set Excursion Search Criteria window. See Searching for excursions.

Customise how the bars are displayed. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Click to refresh information for the selected excursion.