Class Maintenance - Students bar

Use the Students bar to view a list of the students who are enrolled in a class and key information about their enrolment.

 Opening the Students bar

To open the Students bar:

  1. Select Curriculum > Class Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Class Maintenance Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the class. See Searching for classes.
  3. Scroll down to the Students bar, if required.
  4. Click the Students bar.

    : You can click anywhere on the bar to open it.

    The Students bar of the Class Maintenance window is expanded.

Class Maintenance - Students bar key fields and buttons





Student's name and additional information such as:

  • preferred name
  • campus
  • year level
  • house
  • tutor group
  • form.

Class Status

Status of the student in the class. For example, cancelled, left class or left school.

Start Date

Starting date of the student's enrolment in the class.

Stop Date

Ending date of the student's enrolment in the class.


Student's Synergetic ID.

PTI Request

Status of the student's parent teacher interview request.

Modified Curriculum 

Curriculum modification implemented to cater for the individual learning needs of the student.

You can select:

  • Blank - not modified

  • AB - Abilities Based Learning and Education, WA

  • EA - English as an Additional Language/Dialect

  • GT - Gifted and talented

  • IP - Individual Education Plan/Documented Learning Plan.

Note: You can maintain curriculum modifications using the luStudentClassModifiedCurriculum lookup table. See luStudentClassModifiedCurriculum lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Focus Area

Specific topic of the class for the selected student. For example, for a music class the focus area could be Violin. See luStudentClassFocusArea lookup table in the System maintenance manual.


Click to display a list of hot reports. For information on configuring hot reports, see Configuring hot reports in the System maintenance manual.


Click to expand the Modify student class details area and modify the student's information for this particular class.


Click to delete the student's record from the class list.

Modify student class details area key fields and buttons

Use the Modify student class details area to change the information listed in the Class Maintenance - Students bar key fields.

: Click
to expand the grid area and enable editing of that student's class information.The Modify student class details area is displayed.






Student's Synergetic ID.

Class Status

Student's status in the class. For example, Enrolled.


Course that the class forms part of, if relevant.

Start Date

Date the student commences the class.

Stop Date

Date the student finishes the class.

Default Units

Default number of sessions for that class.

Total Units

Total number of sessions the student attended.


Difference between the Default Units and Total Units:

  • if positive, the student attended additional sessions
  • if negative, the student missed sessions.

Focus Area

Specific topic of the class for the selected student. For example, for a music class the focus area could be Violin.

See luStudentClassFocusArea lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Progressive results copied from prior term

Select to copy student's results from the previous term, semester or reporting period.

Note: Running the program Copy Next Semester Results automatically selects this.

Assessable Class

Select to indicate that the class is assessable for this student.


Comment on the modification.

PTI Request

Select to set the status of the student's parent teacher interview request.

Modified Curriculum

Curriculum modification implemented to cater for the individual learning needs of the student.

You can select:

  • Blank - not modified

  • AB - Abilities Based Learning and Education, WA

  • EA - English as an Additional Language/Dialect

  • GT - Gifted and talented

  • IP - Individual Education Plan/Documented Learning Plan

  • OR - Other.

Note: You can maintain curriculum modifications using the luStudentClassModifiedCurriculum lookup table. See luStudentClassModifiedCurriculum lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.




Save any changes you have made to the student information.

Cancel any changes you have entered and return to the initial view.

Launch the Bulk Add of Students window. Use this window to add multiple students to the class. See Adding students to classes for more information.

Launch the Students Bulk Set window. Use this window to set values such as Start Date or Status for all or nearly all of the listed students. See Setting values in bulk in Class Maintenance.

Remove all of the students from the list.

Active Students Only

Select to only display active students.

Common buttons



Navigate between the selected classes.

Delete the selected class, if no students are taking the class. See Deleting classes.

Launch the Create New Class window to add a new class to the database. See Creating new classes.

Display the Class Maintenance Search Criteria window. Using this window you can:

Launch the Customise Tab Layout window. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Create a new task relating to the current class. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual.