Adding students to classes

Adding students to classes

There are several ways that you can add students to classes using SynWeb. These include:

To add students to a class using the Class Maintenance window:

  1. Open the Students bar of the Class Maintenance window and select the class you want to edit. See Class Maintenance - Students bar.
  2. Click .
    The Bulk Add of Students window is displayed.

    Fill in the search criteria for the students you wish to add to the class. For example, if all or most of the students in one house group from one year level are taking the class, select these criteria here. 
  3. Click .

    : If you click at this point, all the students who fit your search criteria will be added to the class. You should be careful to avoid this as it may take some time to load and add a significant number of students.

    The Search Students window is displayed and the students that match your search criteria are listed in the grid.
  4. Click the Select launch link for the student you want to add to the class.
  5. This student is added to the class.
    Note: You can delete individual students from the class by clicking the icon in the Students grid in the Class Maintenance window. Click  to remove all students from the class.


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