Class Maintenance - General bar

Use the General bar to view general information about the class.


 Opening the General bar

To open the General bar:

  1. Select Curriculum > Class Maintenance from the SynWeb main menu.
    The Class Maintenance Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Search for the class. See Searching for classes.
  3. Click the General bar.

    : You can click anywhere on the bar to open it.

    The General bar of the Class Maintenance window is expanded.

Class Maintenance - General bar key fields and buttons





Description of the class.

Assessment Code

Code relating to how work in this class is assessed. Click this link to open the Subject Assessment Area Maintenance window for this code. See Maintaining subject assessments.

Normal Year Level

Usual year level that the subject is taught at.

For NZ MOE roll returns, this field is used for the instructional year level for the subject. See Instructional year level in the Synergetic Roll returns manual.


Optional alternative year level that the subject is taught at.

Sem 2 Class

Not used.

Learning Area

Subject learning area group. Subjects are grouped into learning areas for ease of maintenance. See Maintaining learning areas in the Synergetic Curriculum manual.

Class ID

Unique identifier for the class.


Room where the class is usually taught.

The actual room used may be substituted.

Class Type

Length and size of class. Values could include:

  • Group 50 minute
  • 30 min lesson
  • 45 min lesson.

Can also be used to define:

  • Standby classes used in substitutions.
  • Classes not to appear in Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance. Use a SynergyMeaning of ExcludePTI to exclude classes.

Board Studies Code

Code allocated to this class by the Board of Studies or similar organisation. For example: MA081 (Mathematical Methods 1).

For NZ MOE schools, see Subject codes in the Synergetic Roll returns manual.

Note: Classes without a code are not included when completing roll returns for NZ MOE schools.

Board Studies Type

Type code used by the Board of Studies to group classes together.

For example: MA081 (Mathematical Methods 1).

Default Delivery Mode

Default delivery mode for the class.

You can select:

  • 10 - classroom-based
  • 20 - electronic-based
  • 30 - employment-based
  • 40 - other delivery (e.g. correspondence)
  • 90 - not applicable.

Note: You can maintain delivery modes using the luStudentClassDeliveryMode lookup table. See luStudentClassDeliveryMode lookup table.


Language being taught in the class, if applicable.

Required by NZ MOE (Ministry of Education) in New Zealand schools.

These are maintained in the luLanguage lookup table. See Maintaining lookup tables in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Adjustment Mean

Mean. Used for the calculation of results.

Adjustment Standard Deviation

Standard deviation. Used for the calculation of results.

Hours in Reporting Period

Hours allocated for this class in the reporting period.

For NZ MOE roll returns:

  • This field indicates the approximate number of hours per year that each subject at secondary school level is studied for.
  • These figures are indicative only and do not need to be adjusted for things such as holidays, sports days and so on. It is not necessary to schedule subjects or activities that are timetabled for less than 20 hours per year (that is 2 hours per week for a term).


Location of the class.

Note: The location can specify a building location instead of a specific room (specified in the Room field).

Core Class

Displays if this is a core class compulsory for students.

Auto Select for course

If selected, the details of this class are automatically selected for any external courses attached to this class.

Always keep assessable on timetable import

If selected, classes imported from a timetabling program will be marked as assessable. This flag will override the default setting on the timetable import function for this class.

Never clear on timetable import

If selected, this class will be kept when new timetables are imported.

Note: If this field is not selected, students in the class are cleared each time you import a new timetable of the same file type that does not include this class.

Results exported

Selected automatically if the assessment results for this class have been exported to a notebook or home computer. No-one can edit the class or the results until this flag is cleared.

The flag is automatically cleared when the person re-imports the assessment results back into the Synergetic main database.

Note: Results cannot be imported if the data store is lost or corrupted. An administrator with the relevant security profile can clear this flag to make the results fully accessible again. See Working on assessments off-line in the Synergetic Assessment and reports manual for details of importing and exporting assessments to and from notebook and home computers. Also see Unlocking exported classes in the Synergetic Assessment and reports manual.

Author blocked

Displays whether staff can edit marks. If the field is set to:

  • Yes, then only staff with editor privileges can edit marks for the selected subject.
  • No, then staff members can edit marks for the selected subject if they are the teacher for that subject or have the StudentResultsMaint:AllClasses security permission.

Multiple Staff Mark Book Flag

Displays whether multiple mark books are available. If more than one teacher takes the selected class, individual teachers can keep separate mark books.


Notes or comments about the class.

Show Markbook Results in Portal

Displays whether marks are publishable to the Community Portal. See Selecting mark books to display in the portal in the Community Portal manual.

General area buttons



Allow editing of the fields in the General area. Click to save changes.

Common buttons



Navigate between the selected classes.

Delete the selected class, if no students are taking the class. See Deleting classes.

Launch the Create New Class window to add a new class to the database. See Creating new classes.

Display the Class Maintenance Search Criteria window.

You can update the search criteria and search for new classes. See Searching for classes.

Launch the Customise Tab Layout window. See Customising navigation bars in the Introduction manual.

Create a new task relating to the current class. See Managing tasks in the Introduction manual.