OverlayNonAttendReasonThresholdMinutes configuration setting

OverlayNonAttendReasonThresholdMinutes configuration setting










The OverlayNonAttendReasonThresholdMinutes setting is used to set the number of minutes that is used when searching for possible overlaps to display on the Attendance window, such as:

  • absence events
  • medical incidents
  • co-curricular activities.

Synergetic searches for overlaps:

  • before the class by the specified number of minutes, inclusive
  • after the class by the specified number of minutes, inclusive.

See Attendance window in the Attendance and absence events manual.

Default value
The default value is five (5) minutes.
In the following example:

  • A medical incident which concludes at 11:40am has been identified by Synergetic as a possible reason for Byron Agius' nonattendance. This is exactly five minutes before the start of the class (11:45am). If the finish time of the medical incident had been a minute earlier, the incident would not have been displayed on the Attendance window.
  • A co-curricular activity which starts at 12:50pm has been identified by Synergetic as a possible reason for Joseph Allans' nonattendance. This is exactly five minutes after the end of the class (12:45pm). If the start time of the co-curricular activity had been a minute later, the activity would not have been displayed on the Attendance window.


Setting a different value
Depending on your organisation's policy, update the Value field on the Configuration File Maintenance window. See Maintaining configuration files.

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