Maintaining attendance configuration settings

Maintaining attendance configuration settings

Some aspects of the attendance function can be configured to suit your organisation's needs.
The attendance configuration settings:

  • Are used in the attendance function, particularly the Attendance window. See Attendance window in the Attendance and absence events manual.
  • Can be searched for based on the Key 1 value attendance in Configuration File Maintenance. See Maintaining configuration files.

Key configuration settings

Configuration setting




Used to determine whether students can be added informally to the class when marking attendances on the Attendance window.

AddAnyStudentFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether teachers can mark attendance before a class is scheduled to start.

AllowFutureEntry configuration setting

Attendances: CheckSemesterDates

Used to check classes being marked and display a warning if the class does not fall within the defined semester dates for the year level.

Attendances:CheckSemesterDates configuration setting

Attendances: DefaultAttended

Used to determine whether scheduled attendances default to absent or attended.

Attendances:DefaultAttended configuration setting


Used to determine whether students can be deleted from the class when marking attendances on the Attendance window.

Attendances:ShowDeleteButtonFlag configuration setting


Used to set a grace period before class when teachers can mark attendance if AllowFutureEntry is set to false.

BeforeClassStartsMinutes configuration setting


Used to determine whether attendance records are created for cancelled classes.

CancelClassCreatesAttendanceRecords configuration setting


Used to determine whether a check is performed to ensure that submitted early departure times are within specific class times.

CheckValidEarlyDepartureFlag configuration setting


Used to determine the message displayed when submitted early departure times are not within specific class times.

CheckValidEarlyDepartureMessage configuration setting


Used to determine whether a check is performed to ensure that submitted late arrival times are within specific class times.

CheckValidLateArrivalFlag configuration setting


Used to determine the message displayed when submitted late arrival times are not within specific class times.

CheckValidLateArrivalMessage configuration setting


Used to determine whether students are listed when a user confirms attendances on the Attendance window.

ConfirmStudentsPresentPromptFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether students listed when a user confirms attendances on the Attendance window are either those that have been marked:

  • present are listed as being present

  • absent are listed as being not present.

ConfirmStudentsPresentPromptShowPresentFlag configuration setting


Used to determine the length of the school day for the calculation of Absence Factors.

ContactMinutes configuration setting


Used to determine the maximum number of days after a class that attendances can be created by Attendance Officers.

CreateDaysThresholdAttendanceOfficer configuration setting


Used to determine the message displayed to staff members attempting to submit attendances outside the allowed threshold.

CreateDaysThresholdErrorMessage configuration setting


Used to determine the maximum number of days after a class that attendances can be marked by teachers.

CreateDaysThresholdTeacher configuration setting


Used to determine the initial condition of the Attended field on the Attendance window.

DefaultAttendedMode configuration setting


Used to force the user to mark attendances in Attendance Officer mode only.

DefaultAttendanceOfficerFlag configuration setting


Used to set the number of days within which class attendances can be changed by the Attendance Officer.

EditDaysThresholdAttendanceOfficer configuration setting


Used to set the message displayed to staff members attempting to edit attendances outside the allowed threshold.

EditDaysThresholdErrorMessage configuration setting


Used to set the number of days within which class attendances can be changed by a teacher.

EditDaysThresholdTeacher configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Attendance Officer and Teacher modes are displayed on the Set Attendance Search Criteria window.

EnableAttendanceOfficerModeFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether class attendances can be put on hold on the Attendance window.

EnableHoldFlag configuration setting


Used to determine if the File Year/Semester/Term controls are displayed on the Attendance Maintenance search window.

HideFileYearAndSemester configuration setting


Used to suppress the timetable clash message when students sign themselves in for classes.

HideTimetableClashMessage configuration setting


Used to determine the widthof the Alerts column and whether it is displayed in the Attendance window.

IconAlertsDisplay configuration setting


Used to determine the time used when creating an absence event, when adding a late entry on the Attendance window.

LateAndNotPresentWriteLateTimeFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether a late arrival entered on the Attendance window creates an absence event with either a late or unknown absence type.

LateAndNotPresentWriteLateTypeFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether to create an absence event if the student arrived late but has been marked present on the Attendance window.

LateAndPresentCreateAEFlag configuration setting


Used to automatically change a student's attendance record from late to not present if after the set time.

MakeLateNotPresentThresholdMinutes configuration setting


Used to determine whether a reason is required if an attendance record is changed on the Attendance window.

ModifyAttendancePromptReasonFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether multi-periods are enabled.

MultiPeriod:Enable configuration setting


Used to specify the maximum break between two classes that still allows them to be treated as multi-periods.
Can also be used to schedule a short break between classes to allow students to make their way from one class to the next.

MultiPeriod:MaxInterval configuration setting


Used to set the number of minutes that is used when searching for nonattendance reasons on the Attendance window for possible overlaps with:

  • absence events
  • medical incidents
  • co-curricular activities.

OverlayNonAttendReasonThresholdMinutes configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Class Status field (column) is displayed on the Attendance window.

ShowClassStatus configuration setting


Used to determine whether classes without timetabled staff members are displayed on the Attendance window.

Note: This configuration setting is also used to determine whether classes are included in the NZMOE Attendance Survey.

ShowClassesWithNoStaffFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Possible Absence Type field (column) is displayed on the Attendance window.

ShowPossibleAbsenceCode configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Possible Description field (column) is displayed on the Attendance window.

ShowPossibleDescription configuration setting


Used to determine the order that the attendance records are displayed on the Attendance window, when modifying a class that has already been marked.

ShowPossibleNonAttendFirstFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Possible Non Attend Reason field (column) is displayed on the Attendance window.

ShowPossibleNonAttendReason configuration setting


Used to determine whether the Possible Reason Code field (column) is displayed on the Attendance window.

ShowPossibleReasonCode configuration setting


Used to determine whether the first click on the Attended field on the Attendance window is either:

  • .
    All other blank records can be treated as attended.

TreatBlankAsAttendedFlag configuration setting


Used to specify user-defined fields (columns) to be included in the grid area of the Attendance window.

Up to five additional user-defined fields (columns) can be defined.

UserFlag configuration settings

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