Maintaining general setup data

Maintaining general setup data

Some aspects of the Synergetic functions can be configured to suit your organisation's needs.

Lookup tables

Lookup tables can be maintained using Lookup Table Maintenance. See Maintaining lookup tables.

Lookup table



luBuildingUsed to define buildings at your organisation.luBuilding lookup table


Used to define the campuses that your organisation uses.

luCampus lookup table (Australian Integration)


Used to define the list of countries used at your organisation.

luCountry lookup table


Used to define academic areas or departments within your organisation.

luDepartment lookup table


Used to specify file types to distinguish types of classes. See Files types in the Introduction manual.

luFileType lookup table


Used to define co-curricular programs.

luFileTypeProgram lookup table


Used to define the forms that your organisation uses.

luForm lookup table


Used to define the list of configurable genders used at your organisation.

luGender lookup table


Used to define house groupings used by your organisation.

luHouse lookup table

luLocalisation lookup table
luRegionUsed to define the list of geographical regions used at your organisation.luRegion lookup table


Used to define rooms used at your organisation.

luRoom lookup table


Used to define the list of states used at your organisation.

luState lookup table


Used to define tutor groups at your organisation.

luTutor lookup table



  • if and how to transfer students to the next academic year
  • whether to clear or keep certain student data when transferring to the next academic year
  • other standard options for each year level, such as the year level coordinators.

luYearLevel lookup table (Next Year Process)


Define groups of year levels. For example, group years 7-9 together to more easily bulk-set certain features.

luYearLevelGroup lookup table


Used to control the available status options for tasks. For example:

  • Pending external action
  • In progress
  • Complete.

luTaskStatus lookup table

Key configuration settings
This section outlines configuration settings that apply throughout Synergetic.
The following settings are not usually changed but affect the way some Synergetic functions work.

Configuration setting




Used to set whether the task list is displayed when logging in, even though there are no tasks to display.

BlankTasksList configuration setting


Used to determine whether the calendar is enabled.

Calendar:Enabled configuration setting


Used to define the URL for the core functionality of Synergetic Middleware.

Core:Url configuration setting


Used to set the country that applies for your organisation. Some Synergetic functions operate differently to meet the specific needs of each country.

CountryCode configuration setting


Used to set the colour that Synergetic treats as transparent when displaying custom icons.

CustomIconTransparentColour configuration setting


Used to set the default country of birth when adding a new student record.

Default:CountryOfBirthCode configuration setting


Used to define the comma-separated field order of the lookup table entered as the Key 2 value.

Note: You need to add this configuration setting for each lookup table to be configured by clicking  on the Configuration File Maintenance window.

FieldOrderCSV configuration setting


Used to set the first day of the academic week.

FirstDayOfWeek configuration setting

Install:NameUsed to define the name of your organisation for use throughout Synergetic.Install:Name configuration setting
NoCampusUsed to determine whether your organisation is a multi-campus school.NoCampus configuration setting


Used to update the text automatically inserted into an email message, when sending grid records on behalf of another person.

OverrideSenderText configuration setting

PhoneAreaCodeUsed to define the default area code applied to phone numbers that do not contain an area codePhoneAreaCode configuration setting


Used to set the number of days before a stored private tag list is set to expire.

PrivateList:ExpiryDays configuration setting


Used to set the number of days before a stored public tag list is set to expire. This defaults to 99999 (never to expire).

PublicList:ExpiryDays configuration setting


Used to enable state- or regional-specific data integration functionality.

RegionCode configuration setting


Used to set whether Suburb field is forced to uppercase or not in Community Maintenance.
This allows New Zealand organisations to set the corresponding City field to False, to comply with NZ postal standards.

SuburbUpperCaseFlag configuration setting


ICON schools can use the Synchronise configuration setting to synchronise file year/semester changes across all Synergetic and SynWeb user accounts.

Synchronise configuration setting

TagList: AlwaysShow

Used to determine whether the Tag List window is shown on startup.

TagList:AlwaysShow configuration setting

TagList: AutoClose

Used to determine whether the Tag List window is automatically closed when empty.

TagList:AutoClose configuration setting

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