Maintaining external systems setup data

Maintaining external systems setup data

Some aspects of Synergetic's interaction with external systems functions can be configured to suit your organisation's needs.

External services

You can configure:

Lookup tables

See Maintaining lookup tables.

Lookup table




Used to define types of early childhood participation.

luEarlyChildhoodParticipation lookup table


Used to define ethnic groups at your organisation.

luEthnicGroup lookup table


Used to define exchange schemes used at your organisation.

luExchangeScheme lookup table


Used to define indigenous groups attending your organisation.

luIndigenousGroup lookup table


Used to define the available levels of Maori language learning for students at your organisation.

luIndigenousLanguageLevel lookup table


Used to define the available learning levels of a language for students at your organisation.

luLanguageLevel lookup table


Used to define secondary tertiary programs at your organisation.

luSecondaryTertiaryProgram lookup table


Used to define the eligibility criteria of students for enrolment and funding purposes.

luStudentEligiblity lookup table


Used to define student resource levels.

luStudentResourceLevel lookup table


Used to define the type of student for funding purposes.

luStudentType lookup table


Used to define the types of documents provided by parents when students are enrolled at your organisation.

luStudentVerificationDocument lookup table


Used to define contexts of assessment standards.

luSubjectAssessmentContext lookup table

Key configuration settings

Configuration setting



ACARA_ImportFileto define the default file location populated into the File Name field when exporting reports using the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - Demographic tab.ACARA_ImportFile configuration setting


Used by New Zealand organisations to control whether arriving students are placed into the ENROL batch for processing when their first attendance or justified absence is recorded.

ArriverTrigger configuration setting

AttendanceSurvey_ExportDirectoryUsed by New Zealand organisations to define the default directory location for the .csv version of the NZMOE Attendance Survey export.AttendanceSurvey_ExportDirectory configuration setting


Used to determine the audit source user name when sending outgoing web service requests.

AuditSourceUserName configuration setting

CESA_ImportFileUsed Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) schools to define the default directory path populated into the Filename field on the CESA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.CESA_ImportFile configuration setting
CESA_SchoolDioceseUsed Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) schools to define the default diocese populated into the School Diocese field on the CESA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.CESA_SchoolDiocese configuration setting
CESA_SchoolSuburbUsed Catholic Education South Australia (CESA) schools to define the default suburb populated into the School Suburb field on the CESA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.CESA_SchoolSuburb configuration setting


Used to define folders with which Synergetic populates the Custom Help menu.

CustomHelpFileList configuration setting


Used for testing purposes for NZMOE submissions.

ENROL_CDATestID configuration setting


Used for testing purposes for NZMOE submissions.

ENROL_CDATestPassword configuration setting


Used for testing purposes for NZMOE submissions.

eReturn_CDATestID configuration setting


Used for testing purposes for NZMOE submissions.

eReturn_CDATestPassword configuration setting

ExportExternallyAssessedResultsUsed to determine whether results and result dates for externally assessed standards are submitted to the NZQA using the NZQA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. ExportExternallyAssessedResults configuration setting


Used to determine whether Identity and Access Management (IDAM) webservice is being used to manage student information.

IDAM_Enabled configuration setting

IDAM_Search_TimeOutDurationUsed to determine the inactivity timeout for the Identity and Access Manager (IDAM) Search Results window.IDAM_Search_TimeOutDuration configuration setting


Used to indicate which IDAM service provider is used to map data to web service calls.

IDAM_WebServiceProvider configuration setting

IDAM_WSDLUsed to specify the Web Services Descriptive Language (WSDL) URL location for the IDAM Webservice.IDAM_WSDL configuration setting


Used by New Zealand organisations to control whether Synergetic displays a reminder to upload students to the ENROL system when they are marked as having left your organisation.

Leaver configuration setting

MCEETYA_ExcludeTaggedStudentsUsed to define the default state of the Exclude Tagged Students field displayed when exporting the Student Background Data file.MCEETYA_ExcludeTaggedStudents configuration setting
MCEETYA_ExportFileUsed to define the default export file location populated into the File Name field on the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. MCEETYA_ExportFile configuration setting


Used by DEEWR export to identify your organisation.

MCEETYA_SchoolCode configuration setting

MCEETYA_SchoolNameUsed by organisations from the Northern Territory to define the value of the School Name field used when exporting the Student Age Census using the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.MCEETYA_SchoolName configuration setting
MCEETYA_StateUsed to define the default state selected using the State field on the Demographic tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.MCEETYA_State configuration setting

Used by organisations that:

  • Start their academic year in the middle of the year. For example, running from July 2016 to June 2017.
  • Report student enrolments to the NZMOE in March and July.
MidYearStartSchoolYearFlag configuration setting

Used to store the school code provided by MyEdOnline to identify your organisation.

MyEdOnline_SchoolCode configuration setting

Used to store the callback endpoint used when launching MyEdOnline via Synergetic.

Important: This topic is for reference purposes only. You must not change this value as it may affect how Synergetic integrates with MyEdOnline.

MyEdOnline_URL configuration setting

Used by Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales organisations to define the default value of the NAPLAN Sector field on Import/Export Student Data window.

NAPLAN_NSW_Sector configuration setting
NoYearLevelRestrictionUsed to determine if non-standard NAPLAN years can be exported.NoYearLevelRestriction configuration setting
OverallSeqUnitGradeUsed to identify the subject assessment area used to populate the Result value in the Export WACE COS (RSCOS) file exported using the WA SCSA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.OverallSeqUnitGrade configuration setting
OverallSeqUnitTotalPracticalMarkUsed to identify the subject assessment area used to populate the Course unit practical mark - out of 100 value in the Export WACE COS (RSCOS) file exported using the WA SCSA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.OverallSeqUnitPracticalMark configuration setting
OverallSeqUnitTotalMarkUsed to identify the subject assessment area used to populate the Course unit mark - out of 100 value in the Export WACE COS (RSCOS) file exported using the WA SCSA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.OverallSeqUnitTotalMark configuration setting
OverallSeqWrittenMarkUsed to identify the subject assessment area used to populate the Course unit written mark - out of 100 value in the Export WACE COS (RSCOS) file exported using the WA SCSA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.OverallSeqUnitWrittenMark configuration setting
ReceiveRetryCountUsed to determine the number of times Synergetic will retry connecting to ESB via web services for inbound messages.ReceiveRetryCount configuration setting

Used to store the ACARA SML ID provided by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority that identifies your organisation during ACARA Student Background Data exports.

SchoolCodeACARA configuration setting
SchoolName (NZMOE)Used by New Zealand organisations to define the value of the School Name field when using the MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window to submit:
  • NZMOE Attendance Survey
  • Roll Returns.
SchoolName configuration setting (NZMOE)
SchoolNumber (NZMOE)Used by New Zealand organisations to define the value of the School Number field when using the MOE tab of the Import/Export Student Data window to submit:
  • NZMOE Attendance Survey
  • Roll Returns.
SchoolNumber configuration setting (NZMOE)
SIF_EnableUsed to determine whether the SynSIFSvc service is enabled.SIF_Enable configuration setting
STATS_ExportFileUsed to define the default value of the File Name field on the STATS tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. STATS_ExportFile configuration setting
STATS_ExportTypeUsed to define the default value of the Export Type field on the STATS tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. STATS_ExportType configuration setting
UseSystemDSNUsed to control whether Synergetic creates user-based database entries or system-based ones. This setting is used when running Crystal Reports and MS Query.UseSystemDNS configuration setting
WASCSA_Brightpath_YearLevelCodeUsed by Western Australian organisations to define the default value of the Brightpath Year Levels field used for WA SCSA exports.WASCSA_Brightpath_YearLevelCode configuration setting
WASCSA_SchoolCodeUsed by Western Australian organisations to define the school code used for WA SCSA data exports.WASCSA_SchoolCode configuration setting

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