Maintaining absence events configuration settings

Some aspects of the absence events function can be configured to suit your organisation's needs.

The absence events configuration settings:


Key configuration settings

Configuration setting




Used to determine whether to show the button on the Absence Events Maintenance window.

AbsenceEvents:ShowDeleteButtonFlag configuration setting


Used to determine whether unexplained absence events are displayed in red and the user is beeped. This applies to the Second Screen when entering certain types of absence events.

BeepWhenUnexplainedFlag configuration setting

BulkEntry_AutoSupersedeUsed to determine whether existing absence events are superseded by absences events entered in bulk.BulkEntry_AutoSupersede configuration setting


Used to control whether a class can be cancelled without first creating absence events for all the students.

CancelClassMustHaveAbsenceEvents configuration setting


Used to set the time elapsed before the second screen is cleared, during unattended sign in or out.

ClearFormAfterXMinutes configuration setting


Used to determine the maximum number of minutes that a student can be absent and with an Absence Factor rounded to 0.0.

ContactMinutesLower configuration setting


Used to determine the maximum number of minutes that a student can be absent and with an Absence Factor rounded to 0.5.

ContactMinutesUpper configuration setting


Used to set the time used to determine when an Unknown absence type is automatically set to Late, when using the Create Absence Event window.

ConvertUnexplainedSignInToLateBeforeThisTime configuration setting


Used to set the date range of absence events history displayed on the Create Absence Event window. The history displayed is based on the number of days either side of the starting date of the absence event.

DayRange configuration setting


Used to determine whether to create a single absence event or create multiple absence events for a multi-day all day absence.

ExplodeMultiAllDayEventsFlag configuration setting


Used to determine the number of half-day student absences required before the first unjustified student absence alarm is triggered.

HalfDays:Alarm1 configuration setting


Used to determine the number of half-day student absences required before the second unjustified student absence alarm is triggered.

HalfDays:Alarm2 configuration setting


Used to determine the number of half-day student absences required before the third unjustified student absence alarm is triggered.

HalfDays:Alarm3 configuration setting


Used to determine if the File Year/Semester/Term controls are displayed on the Attendance Maintenance search window.

HideFileYearAndSemester configuration setting


Used to determine the start and end times of each period, that applies to an absence event. This is then used to identify possible overlaps, when a user selects either one of the following filters on the Absence Events Maintenance window:

  • Unexplained Slip with possible CoCurricular
  • Unexplained Slip with possible SickBay.

PeriodLengthMinutes configuration setting


Used to determine whether to display fields used to set the absence details on the Create Absence Event window:

  • Absence Type
  • Reason
  • Comment.

ShowApplyAbsenceTypeAlwaysFlag configuration setting


Used to set the number of minutes used when searching for other absence events that can be superseded by the absence event being created on the Create Absence Event window.

ThresholdMinutes configuration setting


Used to determine whether to use 12-hour or 24-hour time on time-based fields on the Create Absence Event window.

Use24HourTimeControlsFlag configuration setting