Maintaining parent teacher interview setup data

Maintaining parent teacher interview setup data

Some aspects of the parent teacher interview function can be configured to suit your organisation's needs.
You can override Synergetic's standard stored procedures with procedures of your own. See Overriding Synergetic's stored procedures.
Lookup tables
See Maintaining lookup tables.

Lookup table




Used to customise the parent teacher interview statuses and the colours used to highlight parent teacher interview statuses displayed in Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance.

luPTIRequestStatus lookup table

Key configuration settings
See Maintaining configuration files.

Configuration Setting




Used to allow students to book one or more time slots for each class they have with a specific staff member.

AllowSlotPerClass configuration setting


Used to define the default number of appointments per staff member per student.

AppointmentsPerStaff configuration setting


Used to allow multiple slots to be booked in a continuous session.
Note: This configuration setting requires the AppointmentsPerStaff configuration setting to have a value.

ContiguousBookings configuration setting


Defines the text displayed after salutations in parent teacher interview emails.

Email:Body configuration setting


Defines whether parent teacher interview emails have a formal or informal mailing format.

Email:MailingFormat configuration setting


Used to set parent teacher interviews with the first staff member of the subject.

MainStaffMemberOnlyFlag configuration setting


Use to set the maximum number of interviews that can be booked for a student per interview cycle.

MaximumSlots configuration setting


Used to define the number of double slots parents can book per staff member per student.
Note: This configuration setting requires the AppointmentsPerStaff configuration setting to have a value.

MultipleAppointmentsPerStaff configuration setting


Used to define the default length of interview slots.

TimeSlotMinutes configuration setting

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