EnableHoldFlag configuration setting

EnableHoldFlag configuration setting










The EnableHoldFlag setting is used to determine whether class attendances can be put on hold on the Attendance window.
See Attendance window in the Attendance and absence events manual.

Default value
The default value is:

  • True in New Zealand schools
  • False in other organisations.

Setting is True
When the setting is True, the button is available. The following message is displayed when a user interrupts marking their class attendances. The attendance details of the students that have been marked present or absent are kept for later completion and submission.

A class with the following message on the Attendance window has been partially marked:

A user can resume marking the attendances for the class then submit the class attendance.
This setting needs to remain set as True in New Zealand schools, as it is a NZMOE requirement that a user can put on hold the marking of their class attendances if they are interrupted.

Setting is False
When the setting is False, the button is not available for use.
Changes are lost if a user exits from the Attendance window without first submitting their changes.

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