Adding new relations (Current students)
Adding new relations (Current students)
To add a new relation in Current Student Maintenance:
- Open the Relations tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Relations tab.
- Click
The Create New Relationship - Name window is displayed first. .
New contacts can be Personal, Company or Personal Company. Select the appropriate radio button at the top of this window. The data input windows that follow depend on your choice of record type:
- Personal is for an individual person or couple.
- Company is for a company where the company is the primary contact. For example:Jackson HoldingsAttn: Mr John Roberts
- Personal Company is for a company where a person is the primary contact. For example:Mrs Anne JohnsonSalbut Enterprises
If you select Company, the windows that follow are similar but do not require you to enter any individual personal information. If the information you enter matches one or more members of the community database, Synergetic displays a window showing possible matches. You can either:
- Select a record from the grid and make them the student's contact.
- Create a new record. This creates a completely new member in the community database and puts them in the student contacts constituency.
Note: You can create a relationship with a non-community member. To do this, select Non Community Relation. The relation receives an ID of 0 and does not exist in the community database.
The following windows are displayed after the Name window, depending on the selections made:
- Spouse details, if applicable. See Spouse Name window in the Community manual.
- Address details. See Address window in the Community manual.
Note: You can use RAT to match addresses with the Australia Post or New Zealand Post barcode database. See Maintaining postal addresses in the System maintenance manual.
- Contact's phone and occupation details. See Phone/Occupation window in the Community manual.
- Relationship details (see below).
Completing the Select Relationships window
- Select the relationship with the relation in the Select Relationship window.
Note: You can define the spousal relationship between male, female, and other gendered community members using the RevRelationshipMale, RevRelationshipFemale, and RevRelationshipOther fields of the luRelationship lookup table. See luRelationship lookup table.
Tip: If you add a new mother or father relationship and you already have a community member with the same natural mother and father as the record you are creating, Synergetic automatically creates a brother or sister relationship. - Click
The student's relation is added. .
, multiple selections available,
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