This object defines a relationship between a contact person and a student.
Implemented | Partial or Future Implementation | No Mapping |
Element/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type |
StudentContactRelationshipRefId | M | An ID (GUID) for this paticular student-contact relationship. This GUID would be used to form a REST URL. | IdRefType |
StudentPersonalRefId | M | GUID that identifies the student for the relationship. | RefIdType |
StudentContactPersonalRefId | M | GUID that identifies the contact person for the relationship. | RefIdType |
Relationship | M | Defines the relationship of the contact to the student. | RelationshipType |
ParentRelationshipStatus | O | Confirms whether or not this contact defined in the relationship is to be tracked for MCEECDYA (formerly MCEETYA) Data Implementation Manual Reporting. | values:
HouseholdList | O | HouseholdList | |
ContactFlags | C | Contains Yes/No characteristics of the contact person's role. Provide a | ContactFlagsType |
MainlySpeaksEnglishAtHome | O | Is English the main language spoken at home? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType |
ContactSequence | O | Number indicating the order in which the person should be contacted. | xs:unsignedInt |
ContactSequenceSource | O | Indicates the source who provided the contact sequence order. | AUCodeSetsSourceCodeTypeType |
SchoolInfoRefId | C | GUID that identifies a school associated with the relationship. | IdRefType |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_MetadataType | |
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |