This object provides information about a term; i.e., a reportable period of time.
Element/@Attribute | Char | Synergetic Mapping | Description | Type |
RefId | M | FileSemesters.Sif3RefId | The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies this TermInfo entity. | RefIdType |
SchoolInfoRefId | M | sif.setting SchoolInfo_Ref-ID | The ID (GUID) that identifies the school where the term is used. | IdRefType |
SchoolYear | M | FileSemesters.FileYear | School year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., "2009"). | SchoolYearType |
StartDate | M | FileSemesters.StartDate | Starting date of the term. | xs:date |
EndDate | M | FileSemesters.EndDate | Ending date of the term. | xs:date |
Description | O | FileSemesters.Description | Text-based description of the term. | xs:normalizedString |
RelativeDuration | O | <not mapped> | Portion of the school year represented by this term, expressed in decimal form precise to 4 decimal places (e.g., 0.1333). | |
TermCode | O | FileSemesters.FileSemester | Locally-defined code. | xs:normalizedString |
Track | O | <not mapped> | The name, description, or code of the track that contains this term. This is used when there are multiple tracks within a school. For instance, kindergarten commonly has a different set of terms than other grades within the school. | xs:normalizedString |
TermSpan | O | <not mapped> | What sort of Session this TermSpan equates to. | AUCodeSetsSessionTypeType |
MarkingTerm | O | <not mapped> | Does this TermInfo represent a marking period? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType |
SchedulingTerm | O | <not mapped> | Does this TermInfo represent a scheduling term? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType |
AttendanceTerm | O | <not mapped> | Does this TermInfo represent an attendance term? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType |
LocalCodeList | O | <not mapped> | LocalCodeListType | |
SIF_Metadata | O | <not mapped> | SIF_MetadataType | |
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | <not mapped> | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
Table 3.6.6-1: TermInfo