Active Directory Sync: User Guide

Active Directory Sync: User Guide

 v70.16+ upgrade will require updated files as attached


These will need to be added to the domain controller under C:\SynergeticADSync

Please contact Professional Services for assistance

The Active Directory Sync tool is used to perform a one way Synergetic to AD synchronisation of active staff, students, and community members. Synergetic becomes the "Source of Truth" for the managed users and groups. All changes made to the managed objects will be overwritten during the next synchronisation process.

The synchronisation key between Active Directory and Synergetic is the Synergetic NetworkLogin field and Active Directory sAMAccountName

If the NetworkLogin field has not been completed, the name portion of the occupation email address is used.

If both the NetworkLogin and the email address are missing an error is generated.

Current version

The current version is


  • Option to globally enable or disable synchronisation
  • Report is sent to administrator each synchronisation detailing
    • Newly created users (including their password)
    • Modified users
    • Modified groups
    • Errors
  • Three separate sync options
    • Staff
    • Student
    • Community
  • Optionally create on premise Exchange email mailbox on new account creation
  • Optionally create Home Drive directory and network share on new account creation
  • Optionally set password to be changed on first logon for new accounts
  • Up to six separate Organisation Units per sync that can be managed
  • Run a "What If" test where only the report is produced, but no actual changes are made
  • Run a sync only on nominated users


Configuration Maintenance

All global active directory synchronisation settings are set in Systems | Configuration Maintenance in the keys System | ADSync

Flag to determine if AD Sync is active. If true then AD sync will run on next schedule.
Distinguished name (DN) for the disabled community users in Active Directory.
Distinguished name (DN) for the disabled staff users in Active Directory.
Distinguished name (DN) for the disabled student users in Active Directory.
The minimum password length of new passwords.
The email address to receive notifications about synchronisation activities.
CommunitySearchBaseDN1*Distinguished name (DN) for the first searchbase for the community users in Active Directory.
CommunitySearchBaseDN2*Distinguished name (DN) for the optional second searchbase for the community users in Active Directory.
CommunitySearchBaseDN3*Distinguished name (DN) for the optional third searchbase for the community users in Active Directory.
CommunitySearchBaseDN4*Distinguished name (DN) for the optional fourth searchbase for the community users in Active Directory.
CommunitySearchBaseDN5*Distinguished name (DN) for the optional fifth searchbase for the community users in Active Directory.
CommunitySearchBaseDN6*Distinguished name (DN) for the optional sixth searchbase for the community users in Active Directory.

Enable the live test option for the community sync.
Only those NetworkLogins defined in NetworkLoginNames will be processed when running.
Cannot be run using the WhatIf option

NetworkLoginNamesA comma separated list of NetworkLogins to be tested. At least one required.
Use the community preferred name field in the given name attribute as opposed to the given name field.
The email address of the syncronisation service.
ForcePasswordChangeOnNextLogonCommunityForce password change on next logon for all new community accounts
StaffSearchBaseDN1Distinguished name (DN) for the first searchbase for the staff users in Active Directory.
StaffSearchBaseDN2Distinguished name (DN) for the optional second searchbase for the staff users in Active Directory.
StaffSearchBaseDN3Distinguished name (DN) for the optional third searchbase for the staff users in Active Directory.
StaffSearchBaseDN4Distinguished name (DN) for the optional fourth searchbase for the staff users in Active Directory.
StaffSearchBaseDN5Distinguished name (DN) for the optional fifth searchbase for the staff users in Active Directory.
StaffSearchBaseDN6Distinguished name (DN) for the optional third searchbase for the staff users in Active Directory.

Home directory drive letter for new staff users in Active Directory.
Leave blank to disable creation
Must be a single upper case letter and a colon. e.g. H:


Home directory drive base for the staff users in Active Directory.
Username will be appended to folder.
Username will be given modify file level permission to the new folder.
This must be a relative server path, e.g. c:\home
Granular directories can be specified in uluADStaffDirectory
User running script must have permission via this path or share.

StaffHomeDirectoryCreateNetworkShareCreate a network share for the home directory.
StaffHomeDirectoryCreateHiddenNetworkShareCreate the network share as a hidden share.
StaffHomeDirectoryNetworkShareServerNameThe server name for the network share, e.g. \\server
StaffHomeDirectoryServerNameThe server name for the Staff Home Directory.
If the server is remote, then Remote Powershell must be enabled (WinRM QuickStart).

Enable the live test option for the staff sync.
Only those NetworkLogins defined in NetworkLoginNames will be processed when running.
Cannot be run using the WhatIf option

StaffLiveTestNetworkLoginNamesA comma separated list of NetworkLogins to be tested. At least one required.

Logon script for the new staff users in Active Directory.

Granular logon scripts can be specified in uluADStaffLogonScript.

Synchronise the staff postal address fields to the address attributes in Active Directory
Use the staff preferred name field in the given name attribute as opposed to the given name field.
StudentSearchBaseDN1Distinguished name (DN) for the first searchbase for the student users in Active Directory.
StudentSearchBaseDN2Distinguished name (DN) for the optional second searchbase for the student users in Active Directory.
StudentSearchBaseDN3Distinguished name (DN) for the optional third searchbase for the student users in Active Directory.
StudentSearchBaseDN4Distinguished name (DN) for the optional fourth searchbase for the student users in Active Directory.
StudentSearchBaseDN6Distinguished name (DN) for the optional fifth searchbase for the student users in Active Directory.
StudentSearchBaseDN6Distinguished name (DN) for the optional sixth searchbase for the student users in Active Directory.

Home directory drive letter for new student users in Active Directory.
Leave blank to disable creation
Must be a single upper case letter and a colon. e.g. H:


Home directory drive base for the student users in Active Directory.
Username will be appended to folder.
Username will be given modify file level permission to the new folder.
This must be a relative server path, e.g. c:\home
Granular directories can be specified in uluADStudentDirectory
User running script must have permission via this path or share.

StudentHomeDirectoryCreateNetworkShareCreate a network share for the home directory.
StudentHomeDirectoryCreateHiddenNetworkShareCreate the network share as a hidden share.
StudentHomeDirectoryNetworkShareServerNameThe server name for the network share, e.g. \\server
StudentHomeDirectoryServerNameThe server name for the Student Home Directory.
If the server is remote, then Remote Powershell must be enabled (WinRM QuickStart).

Enable the live test option for the student sync.
Only those NetworkLogins defined in NetworkLoginNames will be processed when running.
Cannot be run using the WhatIf option

NetworkLoginNamesA comma separated list of NetworkLogins to be tested. At least one required.

Logon script for the new student users in Active Directory.
Granular logon scripts can be specified in uluADStudentLogonScript.

Use the student preferred name field in the given name attribute as opposed to the given name field.

The default domain UPN suffix to be added to all usernames. Must include the '@' symbol.
This is used if no override UPN Suffix is used.

ExchangeServerThe On Premise Exchange Server.
ExchangeEnableMailOnNewAccounts+Enable exchange mail on new accounts. For use in environments that use Microsoft Exchange email.
ExchangeEnableMailOnNewCommunityAccounts+Enable exchange mail on new community accounts. For use in environments that use Microsoft Exchange email.

Version of Microsoft Exchange installed.

  • 0: Disabled

  • 1: Exchange 2007

  • 2: Exchange 2010

  • 3: Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016

ExchangeCommunityDatabaseThe On Premise Exchange Database for the Community Exchange mailbox creation.
ExchangeStaffDatabaseThe On Premise Exchange Database for the Staff Exchange mailbox creation.
Granular databases can be specified in uluADStaffExchange.
ExchangeStudentDatabaseThe On Premise Exchange Database for the Student Exchange mailbox creation.
Granular databases can be specified in uluADStudentExchange.
Update Synergetic Occupation email of newly created Active Directory accounts

* Community options require additional on site configuration

+ Exchange actions require appropriate roles on Exchange server

The synchronisation process sends a completion email and uses email settings from Synergetic.


Lookup tables

There are six sets of lookup tables for each of of the staff and students sync options and one for community that determine how members will be synchronised

  • Category (uluADCommunityCategory, uluADStaffCategory and uluADStudentCategory)
  • Group (uluADStaffGroup and uluADStudentGroup)
  • Default UPN Override (uluADCommunityUPN, uluADStaffUPN, uluADStudentUPN)
  • Default Exchange Mailbox Override (uluADStaffExchange, uluADStudentExchange)
  • Default AD Home Directory Override (uluADStaffDirectory, uluADStudentDirectory)
  • Default ad Logon script override (uluADStaffLogonScript, uluADStudentLogonScript

For Community, there is only the category option (uluCommunityCategory)


The category lookup tables determine the Organisational Unit location in Active Directory of new accounts. New accounts can be based on one (and only one) field option;

For staff the field options are:

  • Category
  • Department
  • Staff campus
  • Form
  • House

For students the field options are:

  • Boarder
  • Campus
  • Form
  • House
  • Peer Year
  • Tutor
  • Year level

For community, there is only one option

  • (Not selected) - The default option

There must be a default (blank value) option where users not matching any rules will fall into. This may be a generic Organisational Unit in Active Directory.


The group lookup tables map fields to groups. Multiple mappings are permitted (with field and value combination being unique).

Group membership of groups nominated in the Group Distinguished name will be purged prior to synchronisation.

A global group option is available for an all staff or all student group

This will synchronise all active members to the nominated group

Default UPN Override

The UPN override tables allow for individual category override of the default UPN. If the table remains blank the default UPN from the System Configuration is used.

All UPN values must start with the '@' symbol.

Default Exchange Database Override

The default exchange database override allows for individual category override of the Exchange database specified in the System Configuration. If the table remains blank, the default value from the System Configuration is used.

Default AD Home Directory Override

The default AD home directory override allows for individual category override of the Active Directory Home directory created on new account creation as specified in System Configuration. If the table remains blank, the default value from the System Configuration is used.

Default AD Logon Script Override

The default AD logon script override allows for individual category override of the Active Directory logon script set on new account creation as specified in System Configuration. If the table remains blank, the default value from the System Configuration is used.

Synchronisation executables


  • Windows PowerShell v5
    • Windows Powershell extensions for SQL Server
    • Windows Powershell extensions for Active Directory
    • Exchange Powershell snap-in (For exchange mailbox creation only)
  • Run as administrator
  • Email server set up to allow logged on user to send email or accept anonymous email from the current machine

There is an executable for each type of synchronisation

  • StaffSync.exe
  • StudentSync.exe
  • CommunitySync.exe

They each have the same input parameters


The name and instance of the sql server

DatabaseStringYesThe name of the database to use
UseWindowsAuthenticationBooleanYesUse windows authentication ($true) or SQL authentication ($false).
SQLUser StringDependentThe username of the SQL user. Optional but required if using SQL authentication
SQLPassword StringDependentThe password of the SQL user. Optional but required if using SQL authentication
WhatIf SwitchNoWhen present runs in WhatIf mode. No actual changes are made to active directory

Example 1

Connects to the primary instance of the SQL server using SQL authentication without making any changes to Active Directory.

StaffSync.exe -SQLServer 'DBServer' -Database 'SynergyOne' -UseWindowsAuthentication:$false -SQLUser 'sa' -SQLPassword 'password' -WhatIf

Example 2

Connects to the instance named "Instance" on the database server using Windows authentication.

StaffSync.exe -SQLServer 'DBServer\Instance' -Database 'Synergetic_AUVIC_CDA_PRD' -UseWindowsAuthentication:$true


The Synergetic fields are synchronised (via views) to the Active Directory attributes as listed below. These views are user customisable. Alternate fields can be mapped within the views as long as the field name remain consistent

Staff sync

View: uvStaffSync

Synergetic FieldActive Directory Attribute
StaffTitleNot used
StaffPreferredPart of display name
StaffGiven2Not used
StaffSurnamesn / Surname / Part of display name
StaffPreferred <space> StaffSurnameDisplayName
StaffOccupEmailmail / EmailAddress
StaffRoomOffice / PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName
WebpageNot used
OccupFaxfax / facsimileTelephoneNumber
StaffJobPositionExistsFlagUsed to determine if the job position is defined



OUAccount location
ExchangeDatabaseOverrideExchange account creation
HomeDirectoryOverrideHome Directory Creation

Student Sync

View: uvStudentSync

Synergetic fieldActive Directory Attribute
StudentTitleNot used
StudentPreferredPart of display name
StudentGiven2Not Used
StudentSurnamesn / Surname / Part of display name
StudentPreferred <space> StudentSurnameDisplayname
StudentEmailmail / EmailAddress
StudentFormPart of description
StudentTutorPart of description
StudentHousePart of description
StudentYearLevelPart of description
StudentCampusPart of description

Concatenated field e.g.

Year xx Student - Campus AA - Tutor BBB - Form CCC - House DDD

StudentEntryDateNot used but part of peer year calculations
YearsUntilGraduationNot used but part of peer year calculations
StudentPeerYearNot used but part of peer year calculations
OUAccount location
ExchangeDatabaseOverrideExchange account creation
HomeDirectoryOverrideHome Directory Creation

Community Sync

View: uvCommunitySync

Synergetic fieldActive Directory Attribute
ContactTitleNot Used
ContactPreferredPart of display name
ContactGiven2Not Used
ContactSurnamesn/ Surname / Part of display name
ContactPreferred <space> ContactSurnameDisplayname
DefaultEmailmail / EmailAddress
OUAccount location

* Community Sync can use ID number to avoid clashes