Power BI
Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Your data might be an Excel spreadsheet, or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouses. Power BI lets you easily connect to your data sources, visualise and discover what's important, and share that with anyone or everyone you want.
Power BI pricing
A MS cost of $10 per user/month add-on is available for users with Power BI Pro, Microsoft 365 E5, and Office 365 E5 licenses to step up to Power BI Premium per user.
Synergetic Dashboards
Synergetic has created a set of Microsoft Power BI dashboards with interactive graphs, charts and tables linked to the Synergetic database to help you get the most out of your Synergetic data. For information please go to the Microsoft Power BI website.
We offer a suite of Power BI dashboards available on a subscription basis.
Some of these are described in detail atMonitoring Synergetic data using Power BI Dashboards
Further examples can be found at Synergetic Power BI Demo
Please speak with your CSM for more information.
Custom Dashboards
Our Professional Services team can also collaborate with you to create new dashboards based on you requriements. Please raise a case and we will be happy to provide an estimate of effort for this.
Installing Power BI
PowerBI can be found on the offical Microsoft site at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=58494.
Once you download this and install it locally you can create your own dashboards.
Q & A
Q. If a client has the Power BI subscription dashboards, can they still develop their own?
A. Yes.
Q. If a client has the Power BI subscription dashboards, and they cancel the subscription after 12 months, are they able to keep the connections and dashboards they’ve built?
A. Yes, the gateway will remain for you to continue to use any in-house dashboards and to deploy any future ones. However our propriety dashboards use a custom data source that will not return data with a lapsed subscription, and any dashboards created from our dashboards are likely to be similarly impacted.
Q. Where are the dashboards housed?
A. The dashboards will exist on your gateway in Azure, local dashboards can be created using Power BI desktop (.pbix files) and published to the gateway.
Q. What is the time frame to deploy Power BI subscription dashboards?
A. Our Professional Services team can usually do this within a few weeks from initial request.
Q. What advantages to using Power BI subscription dashboardsover developing our own dashboard sapart from the time to be invested?
A. We plan to release further Power BI dashboards which would value add to the existing offering. We will also support you PowerBI environment if you have any issues (where you have a subscription).
Q. Can clients modify Power BI subscription dashboards with their own data/logo?
A. Yes, you can download our dashboards and modify them as required and republish into their own workspace.
Q. Who is responsible for Power BI dashboard security?
A. Clients can share their dashboards as required as described in our reference documentation at Sharing Synergetic Power BI Workspaces
Security is an inherent function of the Microsoft Power BI platform - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/enterprise/service-admin-power-bi-security
Q. I am unable to see a visual in a report.
A. You may need to review you configuration, more information at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric/admin/service-admin-portal-power-bi-visuals#add-and-use-certified-visuals-only-block-uncertified