fmXpert Integration


PDF Manual

Requires Synergetic Web Service installed

The zSynergetic_WebService_dbo user will need to be given permissions to either specific or all GL codes

1.1 Creditor Setup

All Creditor information is first setup in Synergetic. Based on the predefined data requirements conditions between fmXpert and Synergetic, the synchronisation can be setup for minute, hourly or nightly runs.
Note: Account/Creditor sync can be setup to run at night as this can be resource intensive. Invoice sync runs can be scheduled as the same time or setup for hourly runs. Manual sync will also be available.


In Synergetic, select Creditor Maintenance the Creditor menu

Creditor's details are entered into this section - General tab of Synergetic

Relevant Creditors must be given a category of FMXPERT in order to be available to fmXpert.

fmXpert will run the scheduled sync and pull the data from Synergetic to fmXpert


After the sync, the Creditor's details are now displayed in fmXpert


  1. Creditor Code - This field has been populated with the code generated by Synergetic. This code is important, as it links the Creditor's information in Synergetic with fmXpert. This field can be locked down.
  2. Tax Code – Need to manually select the Tax Code for this Creditor.

1.2 Budget Allocation

The Accounts information comes from Synergetic. Each Account has a budget allocation with a budget breakdown over a selected Financial Year.

In Synergetic, select General Ledger Maintenance the G/Ledger menu


  1. Description – Accounts Name
  2. Chart of Accounts & Cost Centre – Combined codes
  3. Chart of Accounts – Account Code & Cost Centre– Cost Code

  1. States the current Balance
  2. States the Budget amount
  3. Breakdown of the budget over the Financial Year


The sum total of the Budget is represented in fmXpert and not a budget breakdown of the individual months throughout the Financial Year.

1.3 Job & Purchase Order Creation

Once we have the above information, Creditor's Details and Accounts Details, we can get started with job creation.


  1. Select New to create a new job, enter the appropriate details
  2. Select Issued To Service Providers (Creditor) in the drop down list
  3. Select the Account from the dropdown list

Note: Creditor and Account information comes from Synergetic
Once the job has been created, a Purchase Order will be automatically created in fmXpert and automatically sent back to Synergetic.



In Synergetic, select Purchase Order Maintenance the Creditors menu

The Purchase Order which has been generated in fmXpert and submitted successfully to Synergetic will automatically feedback a generated Purchase Order number from Synergetic. In this example: PO Number 5089 in Synergetic is represented in fmXpert Purchase Line item.
There are number of different scenarios to consider in Purchase Order creation.

  1. Purchase Orders can be created from fmXpert
  2. All Purchase Orders created in Synergetic can be transferred back in fmXpert
  3. Additional line items added to a Purchase Order in Synergetic can be feedback to fmXpert

Purchase Orders in Synergetic are automatically authorised, based on the business rules and the configuration. 


Click the Add button, if there's a requirement to add additional costs to a Purchase Order. Once the Purchase Order has been submitted this will complete the Purchase Order.

1.4 Purchase Invoice Creation

In Synergetic, select Creditor Invoice Entry the Creditors menu


The Open Posting window will open from the Creditors tab, this area allows you to either:

  1. Open an existing Purchase Invoice posting and select Open
  2. Create a new Purchase Invoice posting and select New Creditor Invoice Posting button
  3. Once you have made your selection, press the Open button


Under the Creditor tab, next to the Creditor field, click on the Find button, this will trigger the Creditors Search window to open. This area allows for the search and selection of the Creditor. Once the Creditor has been found, press Next button to move onto the next tab


The system you automatically move you to the Invoice tab, this contains invoicing details of the Creditor

  1. Enter Purchase Invoice Number (The number can be found in fmXpert)
  2. Enter the amount

Once the information has been entered, press Next button to move onto the next tab 


Purchase Invoice (Creditor Invoice) creation is done in Synergetic. The Purchase Orders tab allows you to pick available Purchase Orders to be attached to the Purchase Invoice. Press Next button to move onto the next tab


  1. The Order Details tab allows you to 'Include' line item(s) to the Purchase invoice.
  2. Double click anywhere on the line item and this will open the G/L Allocation tab. 


Under the G/L Allocation tab, payment can be allocated to that line for payment
Once done, select Posting Action button


A series of posting action are available, select Close Off to close the posting


Once the Purchase Invoice posting has been closed, fmXpert sync will run the data transfer from Synergetic back to fmXpert. The Purchase Invoice in fmXpert will display the 'Unpaid' status



To initiate payment, select Create EFT Posting from the Creditors menu in Synergetic 

The create EFT posting dialog will open, press OK to make payment

Back in Synergetic, once a Creditor Fund Transfer has been posted (a batch process of all open Purchase Invoice) in Synergetic has been closed. A Payment Deposit Slip will be displayed to confirm payment has been made to the Purchase Invoices.

To close off the posting, select Close Off EFT Posting from the Creditors menu in Synergetic

The Close Off Creditor EFT Payments window will open, this allows for notification of payment that has been paid and to which bank account

  1. Select the type of notification to be use with the payment process
  2. Enter authentication details and Creditors contact details

Once done, click OK to sync information back to fmXpert


fmXpert sync will run the data transfer from Synergetic back to fmXpert. The Purchase Invoice in fmXpert will display the 'Paid' or 'Part Paid' status, depended on the amount paid.