myBuildings Creditor Invoices API Import

myBuildings Creditor Invoices API Import


This document details the specification of the myBuildings API import of Creditor invoices. Based on the data returned from the API Call new Creditor Invoices and GL Journals will be created in Synergetic Database and Postings will be shown under Creditor Invoice Entry in Synergetic.

Fees and Subscription Model

A one-off implementation fee will be charged. This will cover the one-off effort and will depend on the amount of consultant time required.

Tasks covered:

  1. Implementation of the Synergetic SQL Agent job, configuration & testing

  2. Consulting time if client requires help inputting/matching GL codes in myBuildings and/or Synergetic

A subscription will also be introduced to cover any additional support and further development of this function. The monthly fee will more than reflect the time saved by Finance staff from having to manually input myBuildings Invoices into Synergetic.

Clients should reach out to their CSM if they would like this feature implemented.

Technical implementation

Sample JSON Payload: 

{"Invoices":[     {      "WorkRequestID":11603508,      "BuildingName":"Main Hall",      "ThirdPartySystem_BuildingID":"6",      "JobCode":"ELLIOT2300207",      "InvoiceStatus":"Approved for Processing",      "ContractorName":"Contractor ABC",      "ThirdPartySystem_ContractorID":"",      "invoiceamount":1539.20,      "InvoiceTax":230.88,      "InvoiceTotal":1770.08,      "InvoiceDate":"2023-10-31T00:00:00",      "InvoiceNumber":"73596",      "InvoiceDescription":"MAIN HALL",          "InvoiceImageURL":"https://url_location/invoice123.pdf",          "DateUploaded":"2023-11-06T03:27:00",          "AccountCodeBreakdown":[                     {                     "AccountNumber":"2810-10-5300",                     "Percentage":100.0,                     "Amount":1539.20,                     "TaxAmount":230.88,                     "TotalIncludingTax":1770.08                     }                     ]         },         {"WorkRequestID":11567457,         "BuildingName":"Administration Centre",         "ThirdPartySystem_BuildingID":"21",         "JobCode":"EMC2300186",         "InvoiceStatus":"Approved for Processing",         "ContractorName":"Contractor XYZ”,         "ThirdPartySystem_ContractorID":"",         "invoiceamount":596.70,         "InvoiceTax":89.50,         "InvoiceTotal":686.20,         "InvoiceDate":"2023-10-31T00:00:00",         "InvoiceNumber":"135022",         "InvoiceDescription":"Door is constantly opening and closing a",         "InvoiceImageURL":"https://url_location/invoice124.pdf",         "DateUploaded":"2023-11-09T01:33:00",         "AccountCodeBreakdown":[                     {                     "AccountNumber":"2040-10-5105",                     "Percentage":100.0,                     "Amount":596.70,                     "TaxAmount":89.50,                     "TotalIncludingTax":686.20                     }                     ]         }       ] },"RecordsReturned":"2"}';

Fields for Creditor Invoice Details

Field Name

SQL Data Type






Creditor PayeeName




Synergetic Creditor ID




Invoice Amount (Excl. Tax)




Invoice Tax Amount




Invoice Date




Invoice Number




Description for this Invoice

Fields for GLAllocations

Field Name

SQL Data Type






GLCode. Must exist in Synergetic General Ledger




GLAmount (Excl. Tax)




Tax Code must exist in luTax




Invoice Description from the Invoices Node.




The amount of tax for the allocation.

 Typical statuses for myBuildings are:

·       16: Awaiting Approval

·       17: Approved for Processing

·       18: Processed

·       31: Error With Invoice Processing

Process will only import Creditor Invoices with Status “17: Approved for Processing“

workrequest API (POST)

Field Name

SQL Data Type













New StatusID. If not passed in (or -1), status will not be altered.

Possible statuses available from this API are as follows:

1: New

2: In Progress

3: On Hold

4: Complete

6: Contractor Complete




Comment to record against each request (added to Work Notes)



No (Yes in our use case)

Which work request to update

User stories

A number of use cases have been considered for this implementation including the following.

Valid Creditor provided.

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings invoices API)

  3. Synergetic creditor identified

  4. New invoice created in Synergetic

a. Update status through workrequest API (status 18: Processed)

b. Comment added ‘Invoice successfully created in Synergetic’

  1. Complete


Invalid Creditor provided.

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings invoices API)

  3. Synergetic creditor not identified

  4. Error passed to workrequest API with no change to status and error message which can be seen through the myBuilding UI

    1. Update status through invoices API (status = 31)

    2. Comment added ‘Invalid Creditor ID. Supplier cannot be identified in Synergetic, please contact your Finance Team.’

  5. Complete


Invalid Invoice Amount provided.

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings invoices API)

  3. Invoice Amount is not valid.

  4. Error passed to workrequest API with no change to status and error message which can be seen through the myBuilding UI

    1. Update status through invoices API (status = 31)

    2. Comment added ‘Invalid Invoice Amount. Invoice amount must be a numeric value.’

  5. Complete


Creditor Invoice Already Exists

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings.

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings Invoices API)

  3. Invoice already Exists in Synergetic.

  4. Error passed to workrequest API with no change to status and error message which can be seen through the myBuilding UI

    1. Update status through invoices API (status = 31)

    2. Comment added ‘Creditor Invoice Already Exists in Synergetic. This process is for creating new Invoices.’

  5. Complete


Invalid Invoice Date provided.

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings.

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings invoices API)

  3. Invalid Invoice Date provided.

  4. Error passed to workrequest API with no change to status and error message which can be seen through the myBuilding UI

    1. Update status through invoices API (status = 31)

    2. Comment added ‘Invalid Invoice Date. Date provided for the Invoice is not a valid Date.’

  5. Complete


Invalid Invoice DueDate provided.

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings.

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings invoices API)

  3. Invalid Invoice DueDate provided.

  4. Error passed to workrequest API with no change to status and error message which can be seen through the myBuilding UI

    1. Update status through invoices API (status = 31)

    2. Comment added ‘Invalid Invoice DueDate. DueDate provided for the Invoice is not a valid Date.’

  5. Complete


Invalid TaxCode.

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings.

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings invoices API)

  3. Invalid Taxcode for the Invoice is provided or calculated.

  4. Error passed to workrequest API with no change to status and error message which can be seen through the myBuilding UI

    1. Update status through invoices API (status = 31)

    2. Comment added ‘Invalid TaxCode. A valid Synergetic TaxCode cannot be established for this Invoice.’

  5. Complete


Invalid Tax Amount provided.

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings invoices API)

  3. Invoice Amount is not valid.

  4. Error passed to workrequest API with no change to status and error message which can be seen through the myBuilding UI

    1. Update status through invoices API (status = 31)

    2. Comment added ‘Invalid Tax Amount. Invoice Tax amount must be a numeric value.’

  5. Complete


Invalid GLCode provided.

  1. New creditor payment approved in myBuildings

  2. Synergetic agent job will be running on an hourly basis, and picks up an unprocessed invoice (using myBuildings invoices API)

  3. Invalid GLCode provided.

  4. Error passed to workrequest API with no change to status and error message which can be seen through the myBuilding UI

    1. Update status through invoices API (status = 31)

    2. Comment added ‘Invalid GLCode Supplied.The GLCode provided does not exist in Synergetic. Please contact your Finance team.’

  5. Complete


No tax code provided in the payload.

  1. Synergetic will check the TaxAmount and Invoice Amount for each Invoice and try to establish one of the Synergetic Tax Codes for the Invoice.

  2. Process will infer a tax code where this is a single value that reconciles to the finance.luTax lookup references. Usually GST (10%) or tax-free (0%)

  3. Process will try to use a TaxCode which has SynergyMeanings for luTax?

  4. Invalid TaxCode error will be thrown if the process is unable to establish a valid TaxCode for a given Invoice.

Import Procedure

[finance].[spiCreditorTransactionsLoadFileAPI] will be created in Synergetic database and process all the Invoices as part of this Import.

History Table

History table will be created for this process (CreditorInvoicesAPIImport). This table will record each Invoice coming into Synergetic using this process.

Table fields:

CreditorID VARCHAR(15), InvoiceDescription VARCHAR(100), InvoiceNumber VARCHAR(20), InvoiceAmount VARCHAR(20), InvoiceDate VARCHAR(12), PaymentDate VARCHAR(12), PaymentMethod VARCHAR(10), PricesIncludeTaxFlag BIT, InvoiceMode VARCHAR(10), ForeignCurrencyCode VARCHAR(15), ForeignCurrencyExchangeRate VARCHAR(15), ForeignCurrencyAmount VARCHAR(15), BankFeeAmount VARCHAR(15), BankFeeGLCode VARCHAR(15), BankFeeDescription VARCHAR(100), DueDate VARCHAR(12), ChequeNumber INT, InvoiceError VARCHAR(500), GLAllocationError VARCHAR(500),           ProcessedFlag BIT, RecordCreatedDate Datetime, SEQ INT IDENTITY(1,1), WorkRequestID INT, myBuildingsPOSTResponse VARCHAR(Max)


SQL Agent Job

A SQL Agent Job called “Synergetic - Creditor Invoices API Import“ will be created on the relevant SQL Server and run periodically to process the Invoices.

Frequency for SQL Agent Job

The SQL Agent Job will be configured to run hourly on weekdays by default.

Clients can decide to change that frequency as required.

Configuration Settings

The following Finance Configuration Keys will be created in Synergetic DB for this process:

  1. 'Creditors' Key1, 'InvoicesImport' Key2, 'AuthenticationHeader' Key3

  2. 'Creditors' Key1, 'InvoicesImport' Key2, 'ContentType' Key3

  3. 'Creditors' Key1, 'InvoicesImport' Key2, 'URL_GetData' Key3

  4. 'Creditors' Key1, 'InvoicesImport' Key2, 'URL_PostData' Key3