Synergetic SIF Objects
Synergetic SIF Objects
Synergetic has implemented the System Baseline Profile (SBP) objects in a read-only capacity for direct integration.
Objects in the Baseline include:
- SchoolInfo
- StudentPersonal
- StudentSchoolEnrollment
- StudentContactPersonal
- StudentContactRelationship
- StaffPersonal
- StaffAssignment
- TeachingGroup
The list of objects linked below is a high level visual indication of what is available in the Synergetic implmentation of the data model.
Beneath this is the technical documentation around each specific field that will may be returned in a SIF response.
All information is referenced from the 3.4.2 data model at http://specification.sifassociation.org/Implementation/AU/
While we have initially developed against the 3.4.1 data model we are currently transitioning to the 3.4.2 data model and will update to later models as they are available
All Synergetic SIF Objects
- PersonPicture
- SchoolCourseInfo (TBD)
- SchoolInfo
- StaffAssignment
- StaffPersonal
- StudentAttendanceTimeList
- StudentContactPersonal
- StudentContactRelationship
- StudentGrade (TBD)
- StudentPersonal
- StudentSchoolEnrollment
- StudentScoreJudgementAgainstStandard
- TeachingGroup
- TermInfo
- Timetable
- TimetableCell
- TimetableSubject (TBD)
- WellbeingEvent (TBD)
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