TimetableSubject (TBD)
This purpose of this object is to define and communicate the subject or distinct piece of curriculum that needs to be scheduled by the time table generator. This is a new object proposed to meet SIF-AU needs. Reviews of the existing specifications identified two relevant objects - SchoolCourseInfo, defined in SIF US 2.2 specification and SchoolGroup, defined within the SIF UK 1.1 specification. These objects appear to have some similar context but seem overly complex considering that Australian requirements, which are limited to the Student Administration System or Curriculum Delivery System providing base information to the Time Tabling application about what curriculum offerings are being proposed. When this data is sent in a Request/Response only those subjects that are relevant to be scheduled (or active), should be sent to the TimeTabling application.
All local ids in non-authoritative objects are optional. It is therefore up to the provider and the actual agent's design and choreography to determine whether or not to use or local ids from parent objects. There are cases in some subscribing systems where it might not possible to add RefId columns and therefore the RefId of related objects cannot be stored. For example a target system that listens to TimeTableSubject events and updates them may not be able to store the associated SchoolCourseInfoRefId with that object. The only way it can link the TimeTableSubject object with the appropriate course might be through its local course id. Having local ids that link the parent objects with the child object can simplify the agent design. Generally it is suggested to use the appropriate RefIds whenever possible and only use local ids if there is no other way to use RefIds.
Implemented | Partial or Future Implementation | No Mapping |
Element/@Attribute | Char | Synergetic Mapping | Description | Type |
RefId | M | SubjectClasses.SIF3RefID | GUID that identifies this TimeTableSubject. | RefIdType |
SubjectLocalId | M | SubjectClasses.SubjectClassesSeq | SubjectLocalID - Distinct piece of curriculum that is to be scheduled. | LocalIdType |
AcademicYear | C | SubjectClasses.NormalYearLevel | Subject Year Level. Either AcademicYear or AcademicYearRange must be provided. | YearLevelType |
AcademicYearRange | C | <NOT MAPPED> | Range of Academic Years subject spans. Either AcademicYear or AcademicYearRange must be provided. | YearRangeType |
CourseLocalId | O | <NOT MAPPED> | Local Course Id, if associated with a Course. | LocalIdType |
SchoolCourseInfoRefId | O | <NOT MAPPED> | The GUID of the SchoolCourseInfo object. | RefIdType |
Faculty | O | <NOT MAPPED> | Faculty | xs:normalizedString |
SubjectShortName | O | SubjectClasses.ClassCode | SubjectShortName | xs:normalizedString |
SubjectLongName | M | SubjectClasses.Description | SubjectLongName | xs:normalizedString |
SubjectType | O | <NOT MAPPED> | Core or Elective or ? | xs:normalizedString |
ProposedMaxClassSize | O | <NOT MAPPED> | Suggested maximum class size for this subject. | xs:decimal |
ProposedMinClassSize | O | <NOT MAPPED> | Suggested minimum class size for this subject. | xs:decimal |
SchoolInfoRefId | O | Config.Value (ExternalSystem>SIF>SchoolInfo>>RefID) | Optional the GUID of the SchoolInfo Object if this object is known in the zone. | IdRefType |
SchoolLocalId | O | Config.Value (ExternalSystem>SIF>SchoolInfo>>LocalID) | Optional Local School Id | LocalIdType |
Semester | O | SubjectClasses.FileSemester | Semester, Term, or Quarter subject offered. | xs:unsignedInt |
SchoolYear | O | SubjectClasses.FileYear | School year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., "2007"). | SchoolYearType |
OtherCodeList | O | <NOT MAPPED> | Any other codes this subject is known by; eg VASS code for VCE in Vic. | OtherCodeListType |
LocalCodeList | O | <NOT MAPPED> | LocalCodeListType | |
SIF_Metadata | O | <NOT MAPPED> | SIF_MetadataType | |
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | <NOT MAPPED> | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
Table 3.11.11-1: TimeTableSubject