StudentGrade (TBD)
StudentGrade is a grade in isolation, not necessarily linked to an assessment, teaching group, class, or curriculum.
Implemented | Partial or Future Implementation | No Mapping |
Element/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type |
RefId | M | Low | The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this object. | RefIdType |
StudentPersonalRefId | M | Low | The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the | IdRefType |
Homegroup | O | Low | Homegroup that the student belongs to. | xs:normalizedString |
YearLevel | O | Low | Year level of student. | YearLevelType |
TeachingGroupShortName | O | Low | Short free format label that describes the teaching group. | xs:normalizedString |
TeachingGroupRefId | O | Low | The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the Teaching Group in which this Grade was assigned. | IdRefType |
StaffPersonalRefId | O | Low | The main staff member who graded the student, and was responsible for any associated teacher judgement. | IdRefType |
Markers | O | Low | Any other staff members who were involved in the grading or the student or who were responsible for any associated teacher judgement/s. | StudentGradeMarkersListType |
SchoolInfoRefId | O | Low | The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these values apply to. | IdRefType |
TermInfoRefId | O | Low | Period over which grade is calculated. StudentGrade is intended to range over work done through a marking period; it is not intended for one-off pieces of formative assessment. | IdRefType |
Description | O | Low | The scope of the StudentGrade; e.g. subject matter. Should be used if no TeachingGroup is associated with the grade. | xs:normalizedString |
LearningArea | O | Low | Learning area against which the grade was given. | ACStrandSubjectAreaType |
LearningStandardList | O | Low | We will now allow this in 3.4.3 to be either a GUID to LearningStandardItem, or a URL to the National Curriculum. This can be a content description or a strand. | LearningStandardListType |
GradingScoreList | O | Low | Assignments that the student went through to achieve this summative assessment. | GradingScoreListType |
Grade | O | Low | Overall grade that the student has received. | GradeType |
TeacherJudgement | O | Low | The teacher judgement of the student’s performance as captured in this object. | xs:string |
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | |
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |