Create New Community Member - Home Address window

The Home Address window is the same in all modules. The example below shows a typical Home Address window.

In New Zealand organisations, the City field corresponds to the Suburb field.

See SuburbUpperCaseFlag configuration setting in the System maintenance manual.

On the Home Address window:

  1. Enter the community member's home address. If address validation is:

    Disabled you can manually enter the address for the person or company by typing into the Line fields.
    Enabled you can enter an address by:
       - selecting a country using the Country drop-down list
       - typing the address into the Address search field
       - selecting the address you would like to add from the addresses displayed.

    Note: For information about enabling address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS), see Configuring address validation.

    Tip: You can enter manual addresses when address validation is enabled by selecting the Enter Manual/Overseas Address field.

    Tip: You can narrow address validation search results by typing more details of the address into the Address search field.

    Note: If you leave this window blank, the address will show as *Address Unknown{*}.

  2. If the person's postal address is different from their home address, clear the Postal Address Same field and click .
    The Postal Address window is displayed.
  3. Enter the community member's postal address. If address validation is:

    Disabled you can manually enter the postal address for the person or company by typing into the Line fields.
    Enabled you can  enter an address by:

    - selecting a country using the Country drop-down list
    - typing the address into the Address search field
    - selecting the address you would like to add from the addresses displayed.

    Note: For information about enabling address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS), see Configuring address validation.

    Tip: You can enter manual addresses when address validation is enabled by selecting the Enter Manual/Overseas Address field.

    Tip: You can narrow address validation search results by typing more details of the address into the Address search field.

  4. Click .
    The following windows are displayed after the Address Details or Postal Address windows, depending on the selections made:

    • Couple relationship. See Couple Relationship window.
    • Community member's phone and occupation details. See Phone/Occupation window.
    • Spouse's phone and occupation details, if applicable. See Phone/Occupation window.