Community Overview

Community Overview

The Community module allows you to enter and maintain information about the members of your organisation's community, including:

  • students
  • teachers
  • parents
  • suppliers.

Every member of the Synergetic community database is represented:

Note: Relationships represent how one member of the community relates to another. Constituencies define how community members relate to your organisation. For example, the community member can be a student, staff member or debtor.

Most people associated with your organisation are created as community members with a Synergetic ID number. The Synergetic ID number stays with the community member throughout their involvement with your organisation.

Name and address information is always held with the community member. Other Synergetic applications refer to the contact details held in the community record. If you update a community member's record, the changes made in the community database are applied throughout the Synergetic application.

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