Current Student Maintenance - School bar - Status sub-tab
Use the Status sub-tab to maintain current and next year status, including dates when leaving and possibly returning.
Note: New Zealand schools also use the Extra Leaving Information sub-tab. See Current Student Maintenance - School bar - Extra Leaving Information sub-tab.
Current Student Maintenance - School bar - Status sub-tab key fields and buttons
Field | Description |
Status | Student's status. These values are defined by your organisation. See luStudentStatus lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual. See Creating new academic years (Next Year Process) in the Synergetic Curriculum manual. |
Leaving Date | Date the student left your organisation if applicable. Note: The leaving date of the student determines whether or not the student appears on reports. You can use this field when transferring current students to past students. See Transferring a group of current students to past students in the Synergetic Current students manual. For NZ MOE roll returns:
Reason | Reason the student left your organisation, if applicable. For roll returns, the Reason is important as many of the roll return errors depend on this field to determine whether a student is still attending or whether they have left. See Reason for leaving in the Synergetic Roll returns manual. |
Next Year Status | Student's status for the next school year. Note: Only select if the student's status is unusual. For example, a student leaving the school at the end of Year 10. In most cases (based on the luYearLevel lookup table), Year 12 students are automatically assumed to be leaving. See Creating next semester or term details in the Synergetic Curriculum manual. |
Returning Date | Student's return date if the student is on leave of absence in the current or next academic year. |
Leaving Destination | Student's destination after they leave your organisation. For example their new school or employer's details. |
Override Next Yr Campus | Specify next year's campus, only if different from the current campus. |
Next Year Level | Level that the student is attending next year. Note: Use to override the default next year level. |
Next Year Boarder | Specify next year's boarding arrangements if different from this year's. |
Post School Activity | Specify the activity the student intends on taking after leaving school. |
Intended Tertiary Course | Course that the student intends on taking after leaving school. |
Intended Tertiary Qualification | Tertiary qualification that the student intends achieving after leaving school. |
Common fields
Field | Description |
Search Filter | The Search Filter field is located at the top of the Student Selector. This field can be used to filter students by any of the information displayed in the Student Selector. For example to filter students by name simply type either the student's:
To filter students by year level simply type the student's year level in the Search Filter field. |
Common buttons
Button | Description |
Create a new student. See Creating new students. | |
Delete the selected student. See Deleting a current student. | |
Display the Current Student Maintenance Search Criteria window. You can update the search criteria and search for new students. See Searching for students. | |